a raging ocean. Consistent, seemingly upbeat on the surface and whirling out of control underneath. I am going to work on a few things.
I have been making new friends lately and am surprised at how close we have become in such a short amount of time! I love my girls. <3
I have a very busy photo shoot schedule this month. Mostly just random art pieces for various photographers in the area but there will be a new photo set for this site coming up soon. It will be the last set I do without exercise!!
My cousin is moving up here at the end of this month. He will become my personal trainer and body guard! lol And he's already my favorite cousin and good friend. So we will be out and about as often as possible. I hope all my new friends like him! He can watch us when we go out and make sure we aren't drugged or kidnapped. haha I don't think that's likely but you never know right?
I think Im coming to terms with how my life really is vs how I want or think I want it to be. . .Over the weekend I was feeling very down about it but after some silence and contemplation, I think that things are probably just as they should be. . .I mean to say that maybe this life is good and nice and the things I wanted before, maybe I haven't gotten them because somewhere in me I know its not for me. All that I do have and all that I am experiencing is somewhat out of the usual for most and others don't understand it and think Im strange but its all a perfect fit for me? I am having a really hard time expressing these thoughts right now. Im still drifting in the current. . .