This morning, just a short time ago, as I drove with all the hundreds of other people going on their way to the places where they earn the money to feed their families, their habits, killing trees, I felt as though still in a dream. I remembered all the styrofoam that littered the streets yesterday and remembered how it never dies. Something caught my attention and when I turned to look I saw a V formation of birds headed south fly before the moon and the moon slowly sinking past the dark grey clouds and standing out from the light blue sky heading toward a rocky bed of a dimly lit mountain range. Trees in the foreground shown with the golden hues of the sun behind me. As I woke the moon seemed to settle down. Her brilliant strength of last night was calmed.
Each day feels so the same on the surface. But I am remembering secrets. These are things that help me stand off the blues and radiate with golden and white hues. Every day I meet someone new to me. And I embed a piece of my soul within his/her heart. And so I am living around the world. I am even finding myself in the moons of other worlds. . .As the moon was setting I saw my self spinning. with others. so that we were a swirl of colors! You remember how I told you that I can never get lost? I wish I could. I think it would be very fun and incredibly interesting. But I always know where I am.
Ive been battling with the anxiety of always being in the same place though the planes may change, Im always in this sort of capsule. I wonder if I could be consumed, digested, dispersed.
As the moon was setting I remembered the divinity in moments that seem mundane.