I always know where I am. Even if I try to lose myself in the woods in a place Ive never been, I know I just know. In space Im here. In time I'm here! always here always now. Never then or later. and everything is the same though I can not take a picture of the mountains from the same point and get the same picture every time I hit the button. The light the weather they constantly fluctuate. Like my temperature my hormones fluctuate. I lay in my bed in the grass in the river in your head.I can taste where I am in many places and time.
But where I am lost is in speech. sound and words desert me. Leave me parched in the wilderness. I fear I have lost my ability to adequately express myself. I can not tell how I feel or explain my reasons. I've got some secrets and they run wild inside of me like a fantasy I try to pretend but still I know. It keeps me in the shallow end. And I want to crash wildly into the sea! I want to lose my place in space and time to find myself deep in the abyss of sensory pleasures. Not only sex and play but my paints again and my words! I want to be stripped bare and ripped wide open!!