Last night was great.
I shot a gun for the first time! It was pretty cool, I was suprised. L was shooting this crazy big 6 shooter off beside me and was spraying my hand with shrapnel every shot, the bastard!
After that we went out to towa and had a sushi feast. Then off to his house, then mine. We rolled around in bed till 2 in the morning
The feelings we have for each other shock and amaze both of us.
On an unrelated note, my closest girlfreind is moving back to town, and into my apartment building, right down the hall. How nice is that!
i'm too giddy to bitch and bitterly complain about anything.
Sorry killerbekilled
I shot a gun for the first time! It was pretty cool, I was suprised. L was shooting this crazy big 6 shooter off beside me and was spraying my hand with shrapnel every shot, the bastard!
After that we went out to towa and had a sushi feast. Then off to his house, then mine. We rolled around in bed till 2 in the morning

The feelings we have for each other shock and amaze both of us.
On an unrelated note, my closest girlfreind is moving back to town, and into my apartment building, right down the hall. How nice is that!
i'm too giddy to bitch and bitterly complain about anything.
Sorry killerbekilled

Thanks for the comment in my journal. Are you refferring to my post in the 'stories' thread? Yeah, I was a bored kid, and giving myself tattoos was cheap entertainment....
Oh oh, you got bit by that awesome sense of self-confidence only a gun can provide! I haven't fired in years, but my wife and I are talking about joining a gun club. But wonder if other members will look at me odd when I talk to the targets: "What, you wanna fuck with me, punk?" BANG! "Yeah, that's what I thought!"
Tip: With handguns, it looks much cooler if you hold the gun sideways.
take care...
BTW, Slaughterhouse 5 is one of my favorites too.
[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 2:22PM]
I thought that I was emptying an extraneous folder and, the next thing you know, POP! No more friends. Totally unintentional. Sorry!