So, the situation with work is ok. I don't have to quit. They were expecting me to run the whole show, take away the manager and give me someone with 2 weeks of experience )a clerk) right at the busiest time of year for us. Me, with 4 years of experience and none of the 'leadership training' all of the other second in commands get. But, with this experienced person and the scads of money they've offered, it'll be ok.
My cancer biopsy appointment is scheduled now for the beginning of december. It'll be ok.
And things with C (my guy) are well. I like him. He can be such a tough nut, but then he sends me these really nice one liner emails... like 'why won't you get out of my head'. Makes me smile.
I did my first woodblock cut-print a little while ago. It looks good. I want to do more now.
Curious about your wood block should post pics
I feel that way constantly also.