I have this lifeless empty vacant thing going on these last 2 days. My head feels like a swirling bowl of fruity oatmeal. I have all these stupid hobbies and i so look forward to working on them, but now I'm questioning.
I want to take still life photos if fruit. Maybe fruit in naughty places, like the litter box (get your head out of the gutter!) or in the bubble bath. But then my head starts to turn it over. It'll not look the way you want, all you have in your camera is cheap consumer grade film. The lighting will suck because you can't use your remote flash properly, the colors will fall flat, the perspective will be lost, and after you spend 15 bucks on developing, who cares? I'm stuck in this loop and it sucks. Snap me the fuck out of this.
I want to take still life photos if fruit. Maybe fruit in naughty places, like the litter box (get your head out of the gutter!) or in the bubble bath. But then my head starts to turn it over. It'll not look the way you want, all you have in your camera is cheap consumer grade film. The lighting will suck because you can't use your remote flash properly, the colors will fall flat, the perspective will be lost, and after you spend 15 bucks on developing, who cares? I'm stuck in this loop and it sucks. Snap me the fuck out of this.
Stupid hobbies are good, regardless of the cost. They keep you sane.