A scary story...alright, I will share my recent (2 weeks ago) experience at the resort I work graveyard with.
I can't remember the exact day but I came into work to do the usual, clean the resort restaurant/bar from top to bottom. On the particular evening I was supposed to help clean the kitchen also, because I was asked nicely to help out when the kitchen staff's night cleaner was off work twice a week. I haven't really been concerned or scared to this point...which I will admit is odd for me...but I ran through the restaurant and finally got into the kitchen area at about 2:30 and was about halfway done when something strange happened. While I was mopping the area by the grease pits...disgusting job...in the doorway leading out into the restaurant a figure came into my peripheral. It was on that edge of the peripheral and not seeing at all, so it was a dark figure. Normally I would have turned but my brain started trying to deduce who was there. I thought...security guard...but there was no way in hell...he is about 6'4" and I am 6'1", this was about 5'6" or 5'7". I thought again...front desk clerk? No she is about 5'3" and overweight...this was thin. In about the second it took to think those two things and realize that was the ONLY other people in the resort awake that would come into the back area whoever it was raised their right hand and forearm. I turned instantly to see a flash of almost shadow sip out of sight.
So since that day I just go in there, turn on LOUD...GOOD music. And I no longer think about all the noises the various machines make, or the sounds or something falling over that I never find to correct.
I know. Completely nuts.
I can't remember the exact day but I came into work to do the usual, clean the resort restaurant/bar from top to bottom. On the particular evening I was supposed to help clean the kitchen also, because I was asked nicely to help out when the kitchen staff's night cleaner was off work twice a week. I haven't really been concerned or scared to this point...which I will admit is odd for me...but I ran through the restaurant and finally got into the kitchen area at about 2:30 and was about halfway done when something strange happened. While I was mopping the area by the grease pits...disgusting job...in the doorway leading out into the restaurant a figure came into my peripheral. It was on that edge of the peripheral and not seeing at all, so it was a dark figure. Normally I would have turned but my brain started trying to deduce who was there. I thought...security guard...but there was no way in hell...he is about 6'4" and I am 6'1", this was about 5'6" or 5'7". I thought again...front desk clerk? No she is about 5'3" and overweight...this was thin. In about the second it took to think those two things and realize that was the ONLY other people in the resort awake that would come into the back area whoever it was raised their right hand and forearm. I turned instantly to see a flash of almost shadow sip out of sight.
So since that day I just go in there, turn on LOUD...GOOD music. And I no longer think about all the noises the various machines make, or the sounds or something falling over that I never find to correct.
I know. Completely nuts.

I don't think it's nuts at all when all the normal explanations are disproved you would only be left with an abnormal explanation. As strange as it may be. While I'm a skeptic it's hard to dispute some of the evidence of the paranormal that has been captured in if it was done so in a scientific manner.
Everything with my nose wasn't so bad the only bad part was getting it back in after making the adjustments. The swelling wasn't sever just normal but what a difference a 16th of an inch makes. I can't blame anyone you never know how tight a nose screw is going to fit a person until it's in so there's always some adjustment to be made. Just hurts like hell to have to reinsert jewelry in a fresh piercing but that's all done and it's doing much better now.