Interesting Friday night for me. My friend came down from Northern California to visit, so we all went and played pool until 2am at a nightclub. I drove myself, so I stop drinking around 11, and so did my friend due to he being the elected designated driver. Needles to say my brothers took advantage of this and got wasted, and I mean wasted to a point where they were trying to "syke" us out while playing pool in the ways only brothers seem to do. In other words, quite a few times I had one blowing in my ear while the other was pretending to ass freak dance floor style. Did it make for a funny show....yup....was it funny after my buzz went away...not so much no. lol Oh well, had a good times besides hearing bad news from the three of them. And I ended up getting home at 3am amped on a Rockstar Recovery............damn. All in all it was good to actually get out with them. It's been years.
i love your style !!
that is always the thing, when we are a bit drunk everything is funny but when we sober up it starts sucking xD