Big moving day this Sunday. Can't wait... my life's been on hold for the past 2 months. Hate the place I'm in now... it's just never felt like home here. I've moved SO many times over the past 10 years, I'm sure the government thinks I'im trying to stay off their radar (hmmm... that makes me think). My new pad will be great... lots of...
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Zoiks! Digipunk tagged me to write 20 facts about myself. Well, without further adieu, let's let her rip:

1.I'm a banjo picker and bluegrass lover
2.My beer of choice is Guinness (or any number of local breweries that make their own)
3.I love graphic design and animation
4.I'm a cat lover (Siamese, if you please)
5.I'm a certified Barista
6.I'm an espresso freak (double ristretto!!) and have a Rancilio Silvia
7.I'm a proud Brother of the Craft
8.I went to London, England when I was 15
9.I love to travel
10. I love road trips and love driving
11. I am a firm believer in quality over quantity
12. Brotherly love, relief and truth
13. I believe that nothing can come between true friends even if they get out of touch for several years...
14. I love Scotch
15. I'm a big B horror movie fan
16. I'm believe in a strong bond among family members
17. I believe that sometimes, lying is justified
18. I believe that most religions and governments are corrupt
19. I love it when a complete stranger acknowledges me with a smile
20. I believe in random acts of kindness (which really throws most people off)
Is that the sequel to the Hiram Key?

If so, Amazon here I come! smile

Oh yeah, you darned well BETTER believe in a strong bond within family or I'm coming up there and kicking your butt! wink
Woo hoo! i get to use my costume again this weekend! The Fouf's is having a big Halloween party... I'm going with a bunch of friends. Should be a blast!
You know, there is nothing that says you can't wear your costume year round! wink
It's always awesome when your costume comes out the way you want--AND you get to use it more than once biggrin I made a vampire costume 10 years ago, and it came out so well that I have requested that when I die, they bury me in my cape. That way when I come back, I'll already be properly dressed biggrin
Today was a big nothing day. Nothing happened at work... I came home and did nothing until I got tired. Hell, I didn't even pick up the banjo... Feel like I'm coming down with something... I blame Goblincat for making his cold virus airborne and fly my way... mad
Sorry i didn't come up. I figured it was kinda pointless if i didn't have a costume. I still want to come up for a few days. I figure i'll come up when your all moved into your new place. does it have a balcony?smile
Thanks for making me a fave! kiss
However Much I Booze

I see myself on T.V., I'm a faker, a paper clown
It's clear to all my friends that I habitually lie; I just bring them down
I claim proneness to exaggeration
But the truth lies in my frustration
The children of the night, they all pass me by
Have to drench myself in brandy
In sleep I'll hide
But however much...
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The party was a blast! Lots of people, lots of beer, lots of great music! Fun times were had by all! Lots of pictures were taken and I'll post 'em as soon as i get 'em. I saw a couple of the ones take of me, and the costume came out awesome! smile
Crimson Ghost costume all ready to go! Can't wait... big Halloween party tonight. I'll see if I can post pictures later...
Pictures, pictures, pictures!!!!!

Have fun and play nice with the ladies! wink
sorry go what????
Not much to report. Just came back from a pub where a buddy of mine brews the beer, and we had to test the batch to make sure everything was all right. smile That it was. Man, he makes damned good beer.
No Maysen for me. frown Back to work in the forest tomorrow afternoon. So tomorrow during the day is dedicated to: groceries, laundry, taking the cat to the vet, picking up the company car, loading all the stuff into it, driving into the forest and setting up all over again!

Hopefully, this will be postponed till Sunday, which will give me at least 1 day off but I'm not holding my breath.
Sounds tasty! Also sounds like the sort of meal that takes a while to digest! eeek
Woo hoo! I got taken out for lunch today! smile Some of the girls at work knew that I've been searching for a new apartment (and that I finally found one) and they brought me out to a nice Italian restaurant to celebrate. Unexpected, but very appreciated! smile
Yup it's for my desktop.

Lennoxville got hit too around campus.
*Sigh*... I went out and bought the face paint I need for my Halloween costume, and decided to see how it'd look. Put it on (around my eyes and cheekbones, where it's supposed to go), and got the costume on. Looks great! For those that don't know, I'm going as the Crimson Ghost (the Misfits use the him as their logo, btw). I have the...
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Yeah, you've got to be careful with that cheap makeup. You might be better off using actual black eyeshadow, rather than crappy cheap greasepaint.

blackeyed <---see, that's you. wink
Just came back from a great night at the Biftek. Ya know, nothing beats a total bunch of strangers coming up to you and asking you if they can join you at your table. Me being the oh so social animal I am, said sure! They all joined me and we chatted about music, life , the state of the world today, etc... great fun!...
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cool, at least its the vikings and not the romans i mean what did the romans ever do for us?
The best part of the whole story is that the random friendly people paid for the beer biggrin Hey, I'm all for random surly people buying the beer, but it's just a little easier to thank them when they're nice biggrin

To Valhalla!
November shaping up to be a wicked month show-wise. Misfits with Balzak at the beginning of Nov. and Bad Religion 1/2 through Nov. Mind you Jerry Only is the only original Misfit left (Doyle recently played with Danzig... don't know if he's "in" the band, but...), but they still put on a great, great show. Hell the ticket price is worth it just to see...
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Haha! Merci, stranger! My, how I love this place. I go to bed, and random compliments fall in my lap in the morning. It's awesome, I tell ya!

Do you really plan banjo?
Wow Bad Religion! I'd like to see that. smile

Man i suck i still haven't found a costume yet! frown