thom left for london last night....
i was going to take him to the airport..but i decided against it as..i knew i would be balling the whole time and didn't want it to be all about me crying..
so he came over and say his goodbyes..and i gave him his present.. to open on the plan..and then he left with is family..
i'm lucky i spent all day writting him the biggest soppyiest letter ever.. cause when he came over i couldn't even speak...
i just hugged and kissed him till he left..
he was trying to be brave but i could see it in his eyes he wanted to cry too..
(hahai hope when he read my letter on the plane he bursted out into tears..)
BUTBUT on the good side... MARNI is comming down and staying with me for the weekend...
which i can not wait for..
i will be actully seeing her very very her plane come in in less than an hour..yay.
i'm so so busy atm i want to write more..but i have stuff to do..
my credit card is being gay...
so i might go offline for a bit..eeep. i hope they don't cancell my account..

love & lollies
thom left for london last night....

i was going to take him to the airport..but i decided against it as..i knew i would be balling the whole time and didn't want it to be all about me crying..
so he came over and say his goodbyes..and i gave him his present.. to open on the plan..and then he left with is family..
i'm lucky i spent all day writting him the biggest soppyiest letter ever.. cause when he came over i couldn't even speak...
i just hugged and kissed him till he left..
he was trying to be brave but i could see it in his eyes he wanted to cry too..
(hahai hope when he read my letter on the plane he bursted out into tears..)
BUTBUT on the good side... MARNI is comming down and staying with me for the weekend...
which i can not wait for..
i will be actully seeing her very very her plane come in in less than an hour..yay.
i'm so so busy atm i want to write more..but i have stuff to do..
my credit card is being gay...
so i might go offline for a bit..eeep. i hope they don't cancell my account..

love & lollies

oh oh oh c, i miss you already! i wish the polaroid was working last night because i don't have a picture with you. pout! but i am looking forward to my new project, making you a certain c oberst badge. drafting it right now! take care, lil miss. thank you for looking after me and making sure i had a fun time [because i did]. xx!
how long have you been back and how come i did not know about it? love you!!!