thom left for london last night....
i was going to take him to the airport..but i decided against it as..i knew i would be balling the whole time and didn't want it to be all about me crying..
so he came over and say his goodbyes..and i gave him his present.. to open on the plan..and then he left with is family..
i'm lucky...
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thom left for london last night....

i was going to take him to the airport..but i decided against it as..i knew i would be balling the whole time and didn't want it to be all about me crying..
so he came over and say his goodbyes..and i gave him his present.. to open on the plan..and then he left with is family..
i'm lucky...
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oh oh oh c, i miss you already! i wish the polaroid was working last night because i don't have a picture with you. pout! but i am looking forward to my new project, making you a certain c oberst badge. drafting it right now! take care, lil miss. thank you for looking after me and making sure i had a fun time [because i did]. xx!
how long have you been back and how come i did not know about it? love you!!!
last friday we had a going away party for thom at it was a pretty rad house party to start off with.
but by the end of the night it turned abit sour.
i don't really want to share the details.
lets just say i got my heartbroken...... in front of everyone.
in other news school is so full on at the moment it's stressing...
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but by the end of the night it turned abit sour.
i don't really want to share the details.
lets just say i got my heartbroken...... in front of everyone.
in other news school is so full on at the moment it's stressing...
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it'll be pretty cool!
i remember the books pictures... it was one of those things where, as a kid.. i found intriguing..
always thinking in the back of my head.. what would they look like if they were real...
well i guess im gunna find out now!!!
i remember the books pictures... it was one of those things where, as a kid.. i found intriguing..
always thinking in the back of my head.. what would they look like if they were real...
well i guess im gunna find out now!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO its half the reason i changed my name to max hen iwas a kid lol

after the last two weeks of being a hussy..and making out with two boys in the same night..
it has seemed to come back and bite me in the ass.
last night i went out to the normal thursday night place..and both of the boys were there..and by gosh i really don't know what i was thinking..eeep.
don't get me wrong there was nothing...
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after the last two weeks of being a hussy..and making out with two boys in the same night..
it has seemed to come back and bite me in the ass.
last night i went out to the normal thursday night place..and both of the boys were there..and by gosh i really don't know what i was thinking..eeep.
don't get me wrong there was nothing...
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ooh alchohol poisoning..thats not much fun!
(in the 2nd pic it looks like you have a girl growing out the back of your head)

(in the 2nd pic it looks like you have a girl growing out the back of your head)
hey hey i changed accounts thought id look you up =P
so ummmm..
it's offcial.
as of yesterday i found a house to move into..
finally moving out of the family home.
i sooo can't wait.. i'm getting all excited. 4 weeks and i'm out.
it's sooooo close to my scholl which is the main thing. cause at the moment i have to get up at 6am everyday and i don't get home till like 7pm...
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it's offcial.
as of yesterday i found a house to move into..
finally moving out of the family home.
i sooo can't wait.. i'm getting all excited. 4 weeks and i'm out.
it's sooooo close to my scholl which is the main thing. cause at the moment i have to get up at 6am everyday and i don't get home till like 7pm...
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you made-out with two boys? hehe! you hussy! i would not feel bad about it if i were you. like you said, the boy is not your boyfriend.
wow wow wee! i like those colours in your work!
no hot dates, eh? well i might be down in melbourne at the start of september. can i be your hot date?
wow wow wee! i like those colours in your work!
no hot dates, eh? well i might be down in melbourne at the start of september. can i be your hot date?
Yay for Cure tickets and for finishing your school work for the semester.
I know how that feels!
What are you studying?
I know how that feels!
What are you studying?
Blind dates..
A liittle bit exciting, a littlle bit scary. Have fun!
A liittle bit exciting, a littlle bit scary. Have fun!
i'm kinda blind if that helps you out
always up for a blind date hayhay........

always up for a blind date hayhay........
so, you know the boy i was pestering you about? i got him mixed-up with someone else! i think when the boy asked me for my number last friday, i was too busy having fun to get a real good look at him! but that is ok because the one i went to lunch with was nice too. fingers crossed!
boys, huh?
i love you! i do i do!
boys, huh?
i love you! i do i do!

over the last two weeks i have:
- gone to school.
- d.j-ed at click click.
- saw the valentinos last saturday
- gone on many dates with the boy.
- hung out at st jeromes many times
- had dumplings
- went to a gallery opening with the boy and free booze.
- watched the mighty boosh and aquateen WAY too mant times.
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- gone to school.
- d.j-ed at click click.
- saw the valentinos last saturday
- gone on many dates with the boy.
- hung out at st jeromes many times
- had dumplings
- went to a gallery opening with the boy and free booze.
- watched the mighty boosh and aquateen WAY too mant times.
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..someones been busy!
wish i had done something other than
-gone to school
-watched like 986312487162309471923874 movies.
wish i had done something other than
-gone to school
-watched like 986312487162309471923874 movies.
Why don't you get out there and do something with yourself girl! LOL!
Congratulations, that is an amazing list. Your life sounds very full.
Congratulations, that is an amazing list. Your life sounds very full.
so ummm... me in a nut shell.
- i'm at art school 9-5 five days a week..
- i work 5 nights a week.and dont get home till 12 every night.
- then i stay on myspace till about 2 in the morning.
- i have fallen (very hard) for a boy..he is truly amazing.
- i still dj every weekend.
- i have no...
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- i'm at art school 9-5 five days a week..
- i work 5 nights a week.and dont get home till 12 every night.
- then i stay on myspace till about 2 in the morning.
- i have fallen (very hard) for a boy..he is truly amazing.
- i still dj every weekend.
- i have no...
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Sounds like your busy life is really cool.