soooooooo. here i am, back in france. how is everything going so far? pretty good, i guess. im still deprssed to be back, but i know it was the right decision. got to be more serious at school, got to find a job. friday i will start all the paperwork, and look for something interresting, well anything better than cashier in a grocery store . thinking of going back to cali for 3 months this summer, chill with my boyfriend, and find a little job. we'll see what's up. i hope, i really fucking hope, that my babe is gonna be able to fly me over, and we'll go at coachella together. there is like a thousand bands i wanna see. but i know, i cant plan or hope anything with the navy..
also, im gonna start working out again. yeah, i know, im sure there is a thousand blog saying the same shit. but you guys dont understand. im going to fuckin work out with the amazing horton and another friend. what else. mmm. my best works in a beauty shop. so, im planning on getting a facial and learning how to wear make up.. yeah, trying to be more feminin here. not happy wth myself. i wish i had money to buy some cool clothes, but damn, im fuckin broke. life is life, and life is good. so far.
ouais jessica elle est bonne, mais j'ai fonvirement horreur des actrice qui ont sont physique (genre scarlett johanson)