my time on here will be over in 2 months.
not a big deal, im kinda over this website. there are a few things that are bothering me, like the fact that we arent as free to give our opinions as we may think.
i have to admit i will miss the tattoo and celeb worship groups.
I see what you mean. when we give a true opinion it usually gets deleted or we get a load shit saying you can't do that, blah blah fucking blah. Well I hope that in these next couple months you enjoy yourself.
in 3 weeks, i will be in san diego. my amazing boyfriend(amazing girl needs amazing boyfriend, that just makes sense) just bought my flight ticket.
which means that in 3 weeks:
-i will be eating some good motha fucking burger at in n out
-i will be eating some awesome sushis at that great mexican sushi place right the other side of the street... Read More
ma poule
viite organise toi
que l'on se voit
que l'on se fasse des petites photos
allez je veux que tu viennes me voir a la maison et que ca shoote svre
-read Nathaniel Hawthorne's scarlet letter
-learn a shitload of english vocaburlary, out of that great book horton probably knows oh-so-well: "le mot et l'ide"
-redecorate my cousin's daughter's room
-go for, at least, A run
-save money
-quit my current job
-visit my boyfriend, and, off course, have sex
-enjoy "la fete de la musique"... Read More
i don't want to go to work. and it's my second day..
it's raining...
can't call my boyfriend..
kids are waking me up everday at 6:30.. and i finish working at 11pm..
in other words, everything is just doing great!!
grave...on commence a repeter et on a qq compos a mettre en place...faut que tu passe un de ces quatres, ca fait un baille...
sinon,rien a voir mais on paye pas au flunch c est ca?^^
come on now. you all know you love her.
introducing.. Horton, singing her oh so famous song: "huge balls and a litlle dick".
sorry for the creepy sound though. it kinda ruins everything.
okay. i feel like traveling. really bad. i think i will move my ass up and visit europe in september, if i can't go to california visit my boyfriend. i haven't been to italy. i also have to visit germany and austria. and i definitely have to visit eastern europe countries.
i need to read chapter 447 of one piece. i need it, i need it, i need it. and all the ones that follow. it's horrible not to know what's going to happen. it's horrible to stop a chapter on a climactic point. argh. come on now, mister Oda, gimme some more of luffy.