that last entry was a random poem that i found that i had written a while back.
i hope everyone is doing well.
there is nothing new to really discuss.
i seem to be going brain dead from watching landon play "The Godfather" on XBOX for too long.
this summer is almost over with is overly depressing.
eventually my pool is going to have to be drained and then covered so it can survive another south dakota winter.
(which always seem to never end)
i work a lot. but i'm making money.
i get my tattoo pretty soon
i'm getting a new computer.
i am waiting to hear back from school.
over all things are good.
and i guess that makes life OK right now.
a lot better than bad i guess.
i'm craving some laffy taffy.
and the more and more i get addicted to this thing,
the more i want to be a SG and attempt to set up a day to shoot my first set.
should i?
i hope everyone is doing well.
there is nothing new to really discuss.
i seem to be going brain dead from watching landon play "The Godfather" on XBOX for too long.
this summer is almost over with is overly depressing.
eventually my pool is going to have to be drained and then covered so it can survive another south dakota winter.
(which always seem to never end)
i work a lot. but i'm making money.
i get my tattoo pretty soon

i'm getting a new computer.
i am waiting to hear back from school.
over all things are good.
and i guess that makes life OK right now.
a lot better than bad i guess.
i'm craving some laffy taffy.
and the more and more i get addicted to this thing,
the more i want to be a SG and attempt to set up a day to shoot my first set.
should i?
I demand snow, lots and lots and lots of snow that stays on the ground and doesn't melt, OH and freezing rain on trees, i <3 ice coated branches
I'm a total dork haha