Photography Exhibit ~"While You Were Sleeping."
Old City Java
109 South Central Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37902
(865) 523-9817
July 20, 2005 - August 15, 2005
Carie Thompson (Photographer)

Birthplace: Eustis, FL
October 1, 1972.
Residence: Knoxville, TN since 1983
Associates Degree of Applied Science & General Technology: major in Photography & Graphic Design~2004. (Pellissippi State Technical Community College)
Central High School 1990
What people are saying:
"The mysticism and magnetism displayed in the works of Carie Thompson can be likened to the awakened senses of a newborn in the first hours of life. Profound and provocative, are just mere descriptions used to describe the elements of light and darkness used in her art. The subtle expressions found in her work are reflected in the faces of her subject matter and provide the viewer with an acute awareness that she is trusted to bring out the finest qualities of both modern art and refined vision. It is this vision that draws the viewer into a world where people are more than just faces on a wall or moments in time captured on film. The characters in the world of Carie Thompson breathe and move on paper and one can not help but wonder if they are truly looking at a photograph or if the humanity of the moment is frozen in a frame for all of time. It is immortalized moments that Carie finds her greatest pleasure: lending an eye to the world of photography in which time slows down just long enough for her to take you into a glimpse of the lives of real people leading fascinating journeys during the routine of everyday living. It is a marvelous wonder to see our world entrusting a visionary and becoming a visual archive, during which we find a voice when no words can be uttered. Carie has the keen ability to open the minds and heart of her audience with unspoken, hauntingly beautiful images. It is the enigma of art that one is able to relate to those that we have never met and to find common ground with the elements in each photograph that Carie brings to the table for our eyes to feast upon."
~Amber Cornett, Freelance Journalist & Writer
I hope you are able to see the work, and hopefully purchase some of my art!

Carie Thompson
I've already been to New Orleans.. that was couple weekends ago.
Take care lovely.