I'm probably going to not be doing anything more with SuicideGirls. I have thought about this for a long time now. I'm flat broke, and don't have reliable transportation. I'm going to be keeping my account here, but I'm mostly on IG as it is. I have a few more set's coming out but after that I'm done. I'm not going anywhere fast. This isn't a plea or whatever to get me more fan's as I just don't have what it takes to kiss ass and justify the means to and end to become big. All my friends that have been made though SG I will always love you. But I'm going through emotional pain to much these days to care about being Internet Famous. I'm going to focus on my family and try to make ends meet somehow the old fashioned way. I'm just tired of trying to be something I'm not. I love all my fans and supporters and I'm grateful for all your support. I just don't have the heart of stone like I used to.