Is it shoot fest yet sigh Im so ready for some neked pics! Lol my set is never going to go live its not half as good as the other hopefuls sets, I have like a few good pics from it though
there in my Ablums go check it out! In other news my boyfriend and I need to find a place ASAP because his dad just told him there house is being fourclosed in three weeks (and he just moved back in :/ ) nice hun! We have three cats and I have two kids between us so finding a place is hard, plus he just starting working. We have no money really to go anywhere with so Im a little depressed right now. I don't want my boyfriend living on the streets so he have to move into my parents place with me, but it couldn't be a permanent fix. Ugh I just don't know what to do and If I were doing more sets making money from it I'd be ok right now but I have nothing lined up til shootfest at the moment. So I'll say it again is it October yet?! Lol

Sorry to hear things are rough I really hope you can find a place. Keep your chin up!