So my concert experince was a bust lamo Cuz I didnt get to see KIx perform because I didnt kno there was no reentry lame, But the Night Ranger band was also lame too so Im not too worried bout it good thing I didnt pay for tickets lol. But as promised here are some pics didnt take a whole lot cuz I was disapointed......

And here is what I wore boy did I turn heads I even had someones boyfreind give me the up n down look lol she was giving me the evil eye haha....
and the back
And Im uploading my new set Just Me hopefully I get some feedback soon for A Sunnyday will see cuz Im not too hopeful anymore cuz they rejected Wake~n Bake lame
but it wasnt my best so I can understand why wish me luck peeps!

And here is what I wore boy did I turn heads I even had someones boyfreind give me the up n down look lol she was giving me the evil eye haha....

and the back

And Im uploading my new set Just Me hopefully I get some feedback soon for A Sunnyday will see cuz Im not too hopeful anymore cuz they rejected Wake~n Bake lame

thanks for the awesome comment on my new set