Hey i'm back from Ireland....it was awesome...we had so much fun and saw so much i will post pics as soon as i get them. Still a little tired from the plane but i can't sleep so i figuered i would write here. our flight home yesterday got cancelled and we had to fly to london and have a 2 hour stop over where they went through all my shit and decided to play with everything that i had gotten people for gifts....it so pissed me off ...i understand security...i'm from New york but i don't see the need to play with my stuff and almost distroy it even before i get home. plus i was VERY cranky from haveing to go to london and then back just to get home....we landed at 9pm in new york which felt like 4 am and i had been up since 7:30 the day before....and funny enough it's 9am now and i'm wide awake...i have to go get food for the house so we can eat..well i will say more later but for now, i hope all is well with everyone
That totally sucks about what they did with your stuff, but it just goes to show you the opinion people around the world have of us Americans - our fucked up government is giving us a bad name - well worse name.
Le Sigh
We gotta chill soon, tooling around brooklyn with the beast and some pot?