quick post
so on my way to getting my hair cut yesterday and i'm driving on the highway and i see a hwy. patrol guy sitting on the side when i relized i was doing about 80 in a 55 ....NOT GOOD.... so i see he's going to be coming after me and i slow down and move to the middle lane...hopeing he won't pull me over ...but he does....so he walks over to my car and starts out with you know these windows are to dark (tint) i'm thinking "what" i have had them this way since i bought the car back in 98. so he asks for my lincense and insurence car and registration.....hmmmmm....i have my licence i say but all the rest i lost or don't have on me.....so he goes back to his car and a few minutes later he calls me back to him and he shows me his radar detector and that i was doing 79 ....so he gives me a ticket for my tint and no insurence...don't ask i have no idea how i go out of it but i did ...thatnk god that would have been 6 points on my lic. plus fines plus my insurence would have went through the roof.... hmmmm... maybe it was my cute ass....who knows i'm just happy i didn't get the speeding ticket.
so that is all for now
so on my way to getting my hair cut yesterday and i'm driving on the highway and i see a hwy. patrol guy sitting on the side when i relized i was doing about 80 in a 55 ....NOT GOOD.... so i see he's going to be coming after me and i slow down and move to the middle lane...hopeing he won't pull me over ...but he does....so he walks over to my car and starts out with you know these windows are to dark (tint) i'm thinking "what" i have had them this way since i bought the car back in 98. so he asks for my lincense and insurence car and registration.....hmmmmm....i have my licence i say but all the rest i lost or don't have on me.....so he goes back to his car and a few minutes later he calls me back to him and he shows me his radar detector and that i was doing 79 ....so he gives me a ticket for my tint and no insurence...don't ask i have no idea how i go out of it but i did ...thatnk god that would have been 6 points on my lic. plus fines plus my insurence would have went through the roof.... hmmmm... maybe it was my cute ass....who knows i'm just happy i didn't get the speeding ticket.
so that is all for now
grrr tickets suck
good thing you got out of the speeding ticket bwahahahah
damn. talk about close.