clean house soooooo happy and i went through all my clothing and perged .....o my was that hard to drop them off at the salvation army. School is going well getting a's and b's in all my classes ...i never thought it would be so hard to go back to school and still keep your life in order and have fun...i never have time for anything anymore.....i feel like i'm always having to do school work and sometimes you just don't have the energy to do it, but you must you must you must improve your bust lol. don't know where that came from but it made me laugh. my best friend is coming home for a week and i can't wait to see her it's been 3 months...but feeling like forever....i miss my buddy.....
sexy man had off this weekend so we went out all weekend and partied it was great ...had a nasty hangover on friday morning and had to go and get my hair dyed then we went out again on friday, we stayed in on saterday night which was nice a little cuddling is always a good thing.
anyway i have homework to do so that is all for now
chow for now
sexy man had off this weekend so we went out all weekend and partied it was great ...had a nasty hangover on friday morning and had to go and get my hair dyed then we went out again on friday, we stayed in on saterday night which was nice a little cuddling is always a good thing.
anyway i have homework to do so that is all for now
chow for now