Well, quick update yet again, seeing as I don't have any real time these days;
Got four exams coming up, the first one coming next Thursday, and I feel somewhat woefully unprepared, but hopefully all should go alright. I've done enough work in the year to be able to afford the occasional slip in these exams, so all should hopefully go alright.
Anatomy is probably one of the more fun exams - prosections and cadavers galore! It's somewhat like Gunther Von Hagens' wonderful and weird world of the dead, except with a slight smell of preserving fluid and a feeling of fear. The exam only lasts fifteen minutes, but that's what makes it so hard - fifteen minutes to work out what the fuck you're looking at. I mean, is that a spine, or a dorsal column, or what? Either way, alas, we don't have quite as finely preserved specimins as he does.
After that, we'll have our patient examination exam - or OSCEs as they call them. It's basically just a play-act, but it's still something we get marked quite heavily on, so it's really important to do well. I can talk pretty well to patients, real or fake, though, so I think I've got a good shot.
The more worrying exams are the ones on the bloody kidneys... I really am starting to hate them, I think. Endocrine (hormones and shit) is also a bit hard, too, but we'll see how it goes, I guess.
Other than that, been trying to relax a little, mainly by spending time having piss-ups with friends and attempting to play the lord of the rings board game (which is bloody impossible) with the pentalties of taking shots or stripping if you fuck things up. Which is all the time. Hobbits are fucking incompetent.

Got four exams coming up, the first one coming next Thursday, and I feel somewhat woefully unprepared, but hopefully all should go alright. I've done enough work in the year to be able to afford the occasional slip in these exams, so all should hopefully go alright.
Anatomy is probably one of the more fun exams - prosections and cadavers galore! It's somewhat like Gunther Von Hagens' wonderful and weird world of the dead, except with a slight smell of preserving fluid and a feeling of fear. The exam only lasts fifteen minutes, but that's what makes it so hard - fifteen minutes to work out what the fuck you're looking at. I mean, is that a spine, or a dorsal column, or what? Either way, alas, we don't have quite as finely preserved specimins as he does.
After that, we'll have our patient examination exam - or OSCEs as they call them. It's basically just a play-act, but it's still something we get marked quite heavily on, so it's really important to do well. I can talk pretty well to patients, real or fake, though, so I think I've got a good shot.
The more worrying exams are the ones on the bloody kidneys... I really am starting to hate them, I think. Endocrine (hormones and shit) is also a bit hard, too, but we'll see how it goes, I guess.
Other than that, been trying to relax a little, mainly by spending time having piss-ups with friends and attempting to play the lord of the rings board game (which is bloody impossible) with the pentalties of taking shots or stripping if you fuck things up. Which is all the time. Hobbits are fucking incompetent.

And thank you so much! That means a lot : ) x