Well, last nite I found out that an old friend of mine died in Iraq back in October. He was only 19. He was like a little brother to me back when he was 15 and I lived in Auburn. I took him under my wing. Shit, I even showed him how to put his mohawk up the right way. This is all so terrible cuz he didn't have any family (he buried his mom about a year ago) and went to that fucking stupid war cuz he didn't have many options. I only wish I had kept closer contact to him. Maybe had a better influence and been able to keep him from making that choice. Fuck. RIP David.
Fuck this war! Nobody should have to lose their life for the sleazy agenda of the rich white elitists of America. Fuck George W.... i want his head shot off in exchange for him taking my friend's life!
Fuck this war! Nobody should have to lose their life for the sleazy agenda of the rich white elitists of America. Fuck George W.... i want his head shot off in exchange for him taking my friend's life!
how're you doing?

how are u sweety?