I actually went into a comic shop last week for the first time this summer. I picked up Y - The Last Man Vol. 1 to read while my wife was doing a looong tattoo sitting. It was pretty awesome. I'll probably continue reading it.

Here's Marcy's tattoo just about finished. Background is next month.

I also asked for a recommendation for someone like me who's never read any Thor, and who doesn't want to be out of the loop when the movie comes out; the clerk GAVE me this:

So that was pretty cool. I didn't love it, but it was interesting. No action. Just a long dream issue. Then he ends up in the dessert at a roadside motel out of the blue.
Monday I went to a blues jam with a friend of mine, and sat in for a few songs. That was weird. I just haven't played guitar in a live setting in a long time. Knowing most people at a bar don't give a crap about the music helps get through the jitters. Also, we drank a lot of beer before we played.
Thursday, we went to another bar that is having blues jam cuttin heads guitar competitions every other week. We played 12 bar blues in various formats and tried to outdo each other for three solos each on three songs. I "battled" three times. Won once. It was fun. I'll go back and do that again. I played like shit. totally choked. I was missing notes, couldn't pick the right strings, and didn't play anything like I normally play. That's the beauty of playing live. You have to do it a bunch to get comfortable with it. You may play great at home practicing, but try any of that Paul Gilbert stuff at a blues bar, and you'll fall on your face. Maybe next time. I'll be going to as many open jams as I can to get the live experience back up to speed.
I didn't get any pictures of the blues jam(s) but here's my pedalboard. The white pedal is a Zendrive clone that kicks major ass. I built it for a friend, and the time has come to give it to him. I"m sad to see it go. It's the best one I've built. Hopefully, with the money he's paying me, I can build one for myself.

That about catches me up for the past week.

Here's Marcy's tattoo just about finished. Background is next month.

I also asked for a recommendation for someone like me who's never read any Thor, and who doesn't want to be out of the loop when the movie comes out; the clerk GAVE me this:

So that was pretty cool. I didn't love it, but it was interesting. No action. Just a long dream issue. Then he ends up in the dessert at a roadside motel out of the blue.
Monday I went to a blues jam with a friend of mine, and sat in for a few songs. That was weird. I just haven't played guitar in a live setting in a long time. Knowing most people at a bar don't give a crap about the music helps get through the jitters. Also, we drank a lot of beer before we played.
Thursday, we went to another bar that is having blues jam cuttin heads guitar competitions every other week. We played 12 bar blues in various formats and tried to outdo each other for three solos each on three songs. I "battled" three times. Won once. It was fun. I'll go back and do that again. I played like shit. totally choked. I was missing notes, couldn't pick the right strings, and didn't play anything like I normally play. That's the beauty of playing live. You have to do it a bunch to get comfortable with it. You may play great at home practicing, but try any of that Paul Gilbert stuff at a blues bar, and you'll fall on your face. Maybe next time. I'll be going to as many open jams as I can to get the live experience back up to speed.
I didn't get any pictures of the blues jam(s) but here's my pedalboard. The white pedal is a Zendrive clone that kicks major ass. I built it for a friend, and the time has come to give it to him. I"m sad to see it go. It's the best one I've built. Hopefully, with the money he's paying me, I can build one for myself.

That about catches me up for the past week.
Y the last man is soooo good. keep reading it! it only gets better!
Almost anything at this point.