I got my first tattoo today. Yay! I'm finally edgy and cool. I was a total puss on the table. My back was in shock from the feeling and it took a while to get relaxed. After I finally got myself under control a little, there were still the frequent uncomfortable moments. I wouldn't say I liked it. But I'm glad I got it done. I'm very happy with the results and it's in a great spot to expand on if I can talk myself into it.

Marcy and I are planning a Bejeweled tattoo later this month. With three jewels on my foot and the matching three jewels on her foot. Should be pretty sweet. -getting a bro tat with my girlfriend.

Marcy and I are planning a Bejeweled tattoo later this month. With three jewels on my foot and the matching three jewels on her foot. Should be pretty sweet. -getting a bro tat with my girlfriend.

Looks good. Did you design that yourself or who was the artist?
hah nice i just recently got my first tats. i like that idea of the bro tat. i love that game!