I haven't blogged about anything lately. Too much TV, I blame. So I'm recycling a blog from last year that made me laugh when I re-read it.
I haven't commented on anything lately. Bummer, I miss chatting and commenting with this community.
I haven't looked at naked girls (much) lately. I look at the occasional set, but not with much attention. I like naked girls, but I prefer sets to be less obvious about anatomy. Coy, clever, artsy, and still sexy. More on this later. It isn't my main point.
I haven't attended any events lately. I was really enjoying the company of the ATL group, but moved away. The FL group seemed promising, but apparently there's too much drama there for me to seek out their friendship. At least as a group, anyway.
I haven't posted topics in the few groups to which I subscribe lately. I have seen lots of cool topics around, but I'm not one to dip my toes in the water. Typically, it's all or nothing. So I'll get my involvement straightened out around the site at the same time.
I haven't drawn anything lately. But I intend to take it up again. I've been more inspired to have creative outlet more lately. I'm not an artist, but it's a great creative relief. Even if it is just a still life around the office or house.
I haven't played guitar lately. I just don't feel I'm that good anymore; which sucks, cause
I used to think I was great. Maybe I never was.I'd say I'll fix this by jamming with some locals or !shriek! starting a little band. But that's a little too ambitious for me right now, and every time I say it, it fizzles out r never gets off the ground. Time will tell on this.
I haven't ridden my bike lately. I went out once and realized how out of shape I am. I'll try a few more times before I decide to sell the bike or something.
I haven't played tennis lately. I may be fixing that in the next few days. I just don't know anybody in Ocala to play with. -Yet. I'm heading to the tennis shop to find a game or something.
I haven't taken pictures lately. I recently bought a cool camera that really makes me want to take cool pics again. Once I fix some of these hobbies, I should have plenty of pics filling my hard drive again. -and plenty more to blog about.

Here's the recycled (MySpace) blog from when I thought I was cleverer.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Commercials for "The Departed"
I'm SOOO sick of commercials for the Departed. I'd be into any movie starring this cast, but I give a DAMN about this movie just from the commercial overload. I don't mind movie hype, I actually like it. Build me up, show me more every week, make me want to see your movie. But these ads started like a month ago or something like that maybe MTV awards show. I dunno or care anymore. I'll see this one on DVD out of spite.
Okay, while I'm on the subject of commercials, The new GAP commercial came on. I hate it. The beatnic chick (henceforth known as Audrey Hepburn) dancing to Back in Black. I hate Beatnicks. It's why I dont like bands like Cake. -That and the fact that they play sloppy horns off pitch on purpose. Whatever. They're irrelevant.
Okay, a commercial I DO like. Shatner on the bridge of U.S.S. Enterprise for Direct TV talking about how nice the picture is on the Enterprise. Love it. Nimoy and Takei are all on there too.
I also like the commercial where the guy invents wings and jumps off the river bridge. All the people are like "he can fly! He can fly!" and one dude's like "But he can't swim..." It's real good.
I found this commercial for my first computer. -speaking of Shatner :-)
we were tie for second, but the tie-breaker was a sports question.