This picture was taken yesterday.
Allie had just taken a bath in her water dish, and was calling me. I brought her to the living room to eat her favorite treat. The cats are always curious, but are never allowed to be close to her, for safety. The couch is messy, full of my clothes, I have to tidy up it's crazy. But this picture just shows how much this little girl makes me happy.
I owe you all guys a big thanks. An ENORMOUS thanks.
An anonymous person generously donated the remainding funds to Allie's YouCare campaign, so now, all her vet bills are cleared, I am crying.
I started this campaign as a big '' maybe'' being sure I would never get any funds. Everything happened so quick, and now here I am, just completely astonished.
At the same time I feel super bad because I hate asking for help, and even more when it comes to money.
So, what I am giving all my donators in return, is a 20 minute skype date to everyone who has donated 10$ or more. Plus, for each 5$ someone donated, you get a ticket to win an hour skype date with me. I will be doing the draw in a Facebook live probably during next week. This is the least I can do to thank you all for being so supportive.
Allie will be forever thankful for that, for the next maybe 30 years or more she will live hahah :p Parrots have a terribly long lifespan, which is actually amazing :p I really like thinking she might outlive our cats :3 (even though I don't like the fact that one day my animals will die :( )
Once again, thank you all so so much...