Hi @rambo @lyxzen and @missy !
I am super excited about this week's blog homework which is about video games!
As some of you know, I am a gamer girl since I am born.
The first console we had at my house was a Sega Genesis, or MegaDrive I guess.
The first game I played on there was Sonic the Hedgehog!^^
After, my father bought is a Dreamcast, and it is on that console that I played my favorite games.
First off, Sonic Adventure. I liked the fact that it was not a platform game like the original Sonic the Hedgehog, and that it was more of an action game. I also really liked that we could play with all of Sonic's friends, like Tails, Knuckles, Amy, etc. They each had their story that would end up crossing the story of another character, ending with all the characterss being together, making the Super Sonic!
The second game I really liked on dreamcast was Rayman 2: The great escape. This game is still one of my favorite of all time. Back in the days, I was a total Rayman fan! I actually got mad at Ubisoft when they mixed Rayman with the Raving Rabbids because it's just not what Rayman used to be! If you never played Rayman 2, then get it on PC and try it! It is amazing! :D
I also played a little bit of Ecco the Dolphin but it was a bit complicated for my age at that time.
After the Dreamcast, we got a Gamecube. Once again my favorite games on it were all Sonic and Rayman related.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was an absolute favorite. New characters, new music, new stages, etc. Plus, there was a more intricate Chao raising this time! And lots of playable characters in the mini games!
Then Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havok came out! I did not like this one as much as the second one but it is still really good rayman game! Stages are fun, and also funny :)
Those were all of my favorite games when I was a little girl :3 I remember those fun days when I used to play each and every time I came back from school. It was awesome ^^
And you, what were your favorite games? :)
Love you all,