Hey @missy @lyxzen @rambo !
2016 has just arrived and it's time for us to take resolutions! yay! I usually don't make any resolutions because I know I won't be able to keep them. But, this year, I will really be trying to acheive some that are really important for me.
So, here are my five resolutions I am taking for 2016!
1. Buy only vegetarian/vegan cosmetics and stop buying from companies that test on animals.
It is true. It is tricky. A LOT of companies still test on animals because of ridiculous policies ( like in China). But, there are others that do not. I will be looking at PETA's list each and everytime that I want to buy a new product. I will still be buying products from companies that do not figure on this list (because there is no record on if they test or not and I will act as if they are innocent until proof of the opposite) I will also be checking the ingredients list before buying anything. I will not buy anything that contains castor oil or gelatin anymore. I will still be using the products that I own that contain some because I am against wasting, but I will not be repurchasing them. I will eventually try to start a pescatarian/vegetarian diet if I have enough money to go see a nutritionist, but this may be my 2017 resolution.
Why? I am an animal lover. I really, really love animals. I think it's kinda ironic to love animals that much and not try to stop cruelty towards them. So, these are the small steps I will be taking towards becoming a cruelty-free beauty! ^^
2. Do A LOT of exercise and lose a TON of weight.
I don't like my body since I am 20 years old. It's like I've become an old lady while still being young. I see stretch marks appearing everywhere on my skin, feel myself becoming heavier and all. It is really time I do someting. So, I decided I will be training to some youtube videos that suggest exercises and aerobic choreographies. It may seem silly but it may actually work. So I am planning on trying this out and post pictures during the process :) I also need to do exercise because I have troubles with my immune system and I think it's one of the best ways to boost it! (With eating well of course!)
3. Win against my panic disorder with agoraphobia.
For those of you who follow me, you certainly know that while I was studying at university, I have developped a panic disorder. Everyday since november, I wake up being scared of having another panic attack. It is more calm since I have started therapy, but I still have a lot of work to do on it, because it keeps me from doind a lot of things like taking the bus, going to school, finding a job, etc. So, I will be challenging myself into overcoming these fears so I can eventually function again, like I used to, and go back to school to become a veterinary nurse :3
4. Start modelling again.
Modelling is a passion. I know I'm not the best, maybe the worst, but I need to do this to be happy. I feel so sad when I see my old pictures. It reminds me all the fun I had back then. But at the same time, I got discouraged by photographers who didn't like me, stole me money and said I was bad at posing. My last shooting (the worst of all) is still haunting me. I had to pose in a bra in front of families and children in an amusement park. The lady who took the pictures didn't like what I was doing. I was so uncomfortable. I really hoped that we would come out with at least one good picture...but it didn't happen. She didn't keep any of them but wanted to send me some. I declined. That was the last shot. But I think that I should be starting again. I really miss it. So, when I will be more healthy mentally, I plan on going back to making projects with photographers. I will also try and shoot another set! I can't promise a thing but I will really be trying!
5. Be more active on SG and Youtube.
I should be posting at least once a day on here! And I am not doing it! Silly me! I should be taking pictures everyday and posting them here! I really love having your feedbacks on them! I will also try to do more youtube videos! Once a week would be perfect! I already have a scenario ready to be shot! And also an idea for a new humoristic video about my worst concert experience! Well, I will be more active! I will try!
And that's it for my top 5 new years resolutions! I hope you liked learning a little bit more about me and that you will share with me your tricks on how to acheive them! Also share with me your new year's resolutions!!!
I love you all -xxx-