So I am going to get my lip pierced today. And though I am hearing much negative feedback from ppl on the whole subject in general due to me looking for a job..i say fuck it. I am SO SICK of my life revolving around money. Granted I need the ka-ching in order to provide for myself and my family. Though I need to involve myself in a job thats not so damn close minded and will accept me for who I am. Now, the question is.. (btw if this helps I have alot of experience n the ability to make good money) will this confine me to only being able to work at Hot Topic? HAHA .. Regardless of the questions in my head, I want to be myself now, I am 21 and it's time to let it all out. So no matter what here I go....
fathead:'d it go?
wel lwell.. it went well!! though i have a job interview at dillards that i am going to have to fuck off .. who wants to work with a bunch of old snobby rich women anyways?