Hello again.
Okay, so I've been mega-busy, what with having fun being happy, commuting (which has eased off a bit since I have been able to get a lift) house-hunting (hoorah, success, we move into a lovely big flat with garden in 3 weeks), being domestic, being ill (right now I have a chest infection
so I'm off work
) visiting Devon, drinking and generally making a fool of myself at SG and other events, and truth be told, playing far too many computer games! 
But for those of you who haven't already seen the beauty of the archaeopteryx, I did find time for this:

that's an old pic, this is the newer vaguely nude arty pic:
Okay, so I've been mega-busy, what with having fun being happy, commuting (which has eased off a bit since I have been able to get a lift) house-hunting (hoorah, success, we move into a lovely big flat with garden in 3 weeks), being domestic, being ill (right now I have a chest infection

But for those of you who haven't already seen the beauty of the archaeopteryx, I did find time for this:

that's an old pic, this is the newer vaguely nude arty pic:
And I did some reading, including lots of Iain M Banks: The Algebraist, Look to Windward, Use of Weapons, I forget most of the others now... But I've got a Peter Straub to finish.
Anyway, off I go to do some comments, etc. Seeya in oh, about another 2 months, or Edinburgh, if you're going.
Hope you`re ok