So. I have made myself horrendously ill. These are my symptoms:
- Headache
- Sore throat and cough
- Runny nose
- Achey arms
- Big bruises all over me, especially lumps on legs.
And these are the reasons why:
♥ I have been pushing myself too hard with job inteviews etc. but at least now I got the job! I will be a Customer Enquiry Team Coordinator for a financial services company in Reigate and even though it's quite a bit of travelling it means I'll be earning something more like a grown-up's wage. So, in a coupls of months I can get new tattoos and do lots of cool stuff.
♥ I've been sleeping too little, beacause of my barwork and other stuff. I really enjoy my barwork though, for example today I was serving behind the bar and serving food, and it was lovely and sunny and fresh outside, and going out to the beer garden every so often was great.
But I worked till 3am on Friday night which was tiring.
♥ I took part in a massive work pub-crawl quiz on Thursday night, which resulted in my team tying for 1st, then not winning the crappy tie-break, which they did as a sing-off. Bah.
But I stayed up till some ungodly hour dancing to shite music.
♥ I went to London on Saturday to see these reprobates and I had a cracking time, helped along by booze, lovely brownies, great conversation and mad hi-jinks. We didn't end up in a fountain - though it had been discussed - thank god, as I'd probably be iller. It was great to meet friends old and new and I hope I can do it again soon.
- Oh and further to that, apologies if I flicked elastic bands at anyone, gave anyone the lurgie or anything like that. But! I just remembered - Jackie is like the most amazing SG ever, in a totally crazy and hot way, and her ninja skills and gladiatrix hair are wicked.
♥ I went on after the club to my lovely sister's house at about 4am and then spent the next couple of house drinking more and swinging round the pole in her living room - that's where the lumpy shins and achey arms come from. But waking up at 12 noon with evil road-diggers working outside.
And having to trek back to Brighton was hell.
But I've been comforting myself with:
♥ Croissants with ham and melted Leerdammer. Yummmm.
♥ Chocolate - which I still have left over from Easter.
♥ Knowledge that Lost returns tomorrow. Hooray! And I've successfully resisted spoilers since Jan, so within a few episodes of Series 2 I'll be in the dark again, which is the way I like it.
♥ yay new job! (again, but it makes me happy)
♥ I have loads of videos, and some Masters of Horror to watch - thanks to gtwr who is a sweetie.
♥ I have FFIX still to finish playing, which I intend to immerse myself in again within the next few days.
♥ this coming weekend I have a visitor which is always a lot of fun...
Anyway, that's about it.
I feel like poo, so no pictures...Please give me testimonials to cheer me up.
But I love you all.

- Headache
- Sore throat and cough
- Runny nose
- Achey arms
- Big bruises all over me, especially lumps on legs.

And these are the reasons why:
♥ I have been pushing myself too hard with job inteviews etc. but at least now I got the job! I will be a Customer Enquiry Team Coordinator for a financial services company in Reigate and even though it's quite a bit of travelling it means I'll be earning something more like a grown-up's wage. So, in a coupls of months I can get new tattoos and do lots of cool stuff.

♥ I've been sleeping too little, beacause of my barwork and other stuff. I really enjoy my barwork though, for example today I was serving behind the bar and serving food, and it was lovely and sunny and fresh outside, and going out to the beer garden every so often was great.

♥ I took part in a massive work pub-crawl quiz on Thursday night, which resulted in my team tying for 1st, then not winning the crappy tie-break, which they did as a sing-off. Bah.

♥ I went to London on Saturday to see these reprobates and I had a cracking time, helped along by booze, lovely brownies, great conversation and mad hi-jinks. We didn't end up in a fountain - though it had been discussed - thank god, as I'd probably be iller. It was great to meet friends old and new and I hope I can do it again soon.

- Oh and further to that, apologies if I flicked elastic bands at anyone, gave anyone the lurgie or anything like that. But! I just remembered - Jackie is like the most amazing SG ever, in a totally crazy and hot way, and her ninja skills and gladiatrix hair are wicked.

♥ I went on after the club to my lovely sister's house at about 4am and then spent the next couple of house drinking more and swinging round the pole in her living room - that's where the lumpy shins and achey arms come from. But waking up at 12 noon with evil road-diggers working outside.

But I've been comforting myself with:
♥ Croissants with ham and melted Leerdammer. Yummmm.
♥ Chocolate - which I still have left over from Easter.

♥ Knowledge that Lost returns tomorrow. Hooray! And I've successfully resisted spoilers since Jan, so within a few episodes of Series 2 I'll be in the dark again, which is the way I like it.

♥ yay new job! (again, but it makes me happy)
♥ I have loads of videos, and some Masters of Horror to watch - thanks to gtwr who is a sweetie.

♥ I have FFIX still to finish playing, which I intend to immerse myself in again within the next few days.

♥ this coming weekend I have a visitor which is always a lot of fun...

Anyway, that's about it.
I feel like poo, so no pictures...Please give me testimonials to cheer me up.
But I love you all.

Word is, Black ops in central africa
Congrats on the job