I managed to sulk enough to get the time off for the interview, they loved me and I've got the job! Woohoo! So in a month's time I'll start commuting to Reigate and earning a lot more money. Hooray!
The bruises start to appear after a few days, like invisible ink or a developing photograph. Mostly, they help me remember, but sometimes they bring fresh questions. Is this self-destructive behaviour something I do to help me feel more alive or is it just that, a death wish?
I have been very busy over the last few days.
I have started working in a local bar in the evenings, which should help somewhat, as long as I get enough shifts. They have a late license so on Thursday I had my trial and worked 8.30pm to 1am. It was a pretty steep learning curve, as I havent worked in a bar for ages and had to get used to the tills, pouring pints again, etc. It seemed to go pretty well as the manager now wants me to do at least 2 shifts a week, one of which will need to be a Friday or Saturday, 9pm till 3am.
Friday was a strange, strange day. My plan had been to go for one drink after work, then home to do laundry and get an early night, as I knew Saturday was going to be a long day. However, plans were first altered by my overwhelming desire to see Silent Hill so I got a ticket for that, decided Id get some dinner in town, then stay in pub with workmates till the film started. Then, two of my workmates decided they wanted to see it also, so they came too. I rather enjoyed it, thought it looked amazing, but some of the acting and plot was a bit ropey. I know scares are pretty gratuitous and easy to manufacture and have turned into a clich from so many horror films, but they could have done with a few here. The sirens did send chills down my back though.

Anyway, so after the film, quite stupidly, I allowed myself to be dragged back to the pub, where I got ridiculously drunk. The main points of the evening from then on are hazy, everything else is a bit of a black hole, but I do know that a) I got my boobs out in the Hop Poles after a few tequilas, and b) I stopped on the way home by the dolphin fountain in the Laines, took all my clothes off and climbed in. I was with people so I was perfectly safe, but all the same And, from my enquiries the next day, yes, it was all my clothes.

Waking up at 8.30 on Saturday morning half an hour before I was due at work was bad. But then after struggling through 3 hours of work and having a lie down and shower I was fine again, and went to my lovely friend Bens birthday picnic in Queens Park. Scoffed yummy food and drank a bit and got a little stoned, and even played badminton.

Sunday I rested, took pictures, did laundry, boring stuff. Today I had a phone interview for a company in Reigate, a bit far but good money, went well as they wanted to see me Thursday afternoon but my bastard company wont give me any more time off till next Friday. Poo. And cant pull a sickie as they know why I want it off. Im hoping the company can wait. It does not pay to be honest.

But I do have an interview for Scottish Widows in Redhill tomorrow, even more money and closer, and I booked that off last week, so hope I get it.

Tuesday evening Im working, theres a band on so that should be interesting. Thursday is pub quiz crawl day, hooray, so thats one to look forward to, my team needs to defend its title! If you see me haring round Brighton looking frantic, offer to help, I'll be looking for silly scavenger hunt items.

So Im angry about the interview, and extra upset about the disappearance of one of my favourites Im in mourning so my pictures are all moody monochrome and my boobs are on strike.

I was just thinking how much I like raccoons. When I lived in Turkey my mother gave piano lessons to these Japanese kids, and my sister and I used to go over to their house after school to hang out until their lessons were finished and my dad came to pick us all up. I used to play this NES game with the boy, which was rather odd and quite incomprehensible as it was some kind of samurai anime RPG type thing and was all in Japanese. Anyway, you could go into an inn and spend the night with a pretty lady, but if you did, shed turn into a raccoon in the night and steal all your stuff.
How strange.
Anyway, love you all, see some of you on Saturday.
I am relaxing with Dr Who, Green Wing (yay Sally Phillips ) and chocolate buttons.
just wanted to say hi anyway...
Yeah you should have come to Camden, we were all still intoxicated from the night/morning before! It was quite nice and chilled!
Although I did get a flat back side from sitting on the floor and then a bench all day! Munch promised us a nice lawn but it had been replaced with concrete
Work tomorrow