Theme for the week:
Miss Holloway, come into my office.

So, another busy week. Valentines Day was fun, I had planned to watch movies with a friend, but she had to go and console one of her other friends who got dumped the day before harsh! so I ended up in my favourite bar with other friends and played scandalous drinking games until I couldnt walk.

The rest of the week mostly went in a blur, I was working 9 -5.30 for most of it, with only 30min lunch breaks, in order not to take my orthodontist and boiler time off as holiday. Teeth were agony on Thursday evening, but at least I got some good news braces off in only 4-6 months, which is amazing seeing as Id thought Id have at least another year of them.

Yesterday I had to work 9-12, which was hell as Id been up till 2am consuming vast quantities of everything bad for me. But a short trip to the pub afterwards revived me enough to go for a long walk along the beach, to the end of the pier and back, and to wander round my local fleamarket, wisely with no cash on me as I drooled over old 2000AD annuals, a Judge Death figure and various nice pin-up art posters. Oh and I saw a minotaur statue made of reclaimed scrap metal, in a gallery on the seafront. But it cost over 1000 so my ownership of it will have to be put on hold for a while..
Next week my plans are for boiler being fixed on Wednesday, interview on Thursday and Friday ah, thats a secret. And next weekend will be riotous good fun!

And this has been on my mind recently
But seeya all around next week when I will have much to report, and many pictures.
you seemed like you were having such a great time, dancing away
hope to see you again soon!