Booo... we did not retain our title, I got very drunk and people kept hiding my glass and holding it hostage till the end of each round. But we did come 2nd, which out of 22 teams is not bad. The food was amazingly bad though, it's got to be the worst buffet I've ever had.
Now, I'm an expert on buffets, having emptied them of prawns at record company launches the length and breadth of London in my short mediawhore career...ah, those were the days ...(*drifts off and reminisces about shagging the lead singer from Marion - he was rubbish!) anyway, I think I know what makes a good buffet.
Sausage rolls, mini pizza, quiche, chicken satay, salad, prawns are extra nice, as are mini spring rolls.
And what did they have at this buffet?
It was like Britney's wedding reception : sausages (not mini ones, proper nasty breakfast ones) burgers (grey) veggie of the above 2 offending items, some beef and ale pie with very little beef and very little pastry, pathetic salad, tough chips, suspicious quiche and nothing else! Christ! The pudding was bad too, some sort of trifle and some naasty chocolate cake that tasted of really cheap chocolate. And what's more they charged the non work people 12 for this slop! Total rip-off!
Enough about that, I ended up dancing all night in a crazy and exhibitionistic manner and then rolled home at 2 to make a big bowl of pasta, which ended up half-eaten as I wasn't hungry enough to get past the tooth pain for long.
So today I felt tired and crotchety and had to keep popping pills all day, they really tightened the braces up good and hard yesterday, ouch.. And I had to buy a hat, got a nice brown slouchy/army one in topman, as I kept stealing one off this guy at the quiz last night as it suited me so, but he told me where he got it so I got the same one, cool...
And a work friend kept emailing me to say thanks for getting him to restrain himself when some girl ( a friend of mine) came onto him, he's a sweetie and I know he was very drunk, but he'd be mortified if he cheated on his girlfriend.
So now I'm off to a mate's for thai curry, yum, i am working tomorrow, boo, so have to try to get an early night...
Now, I'm an expert on buffets, having emptied them of prawns at record company launches the length and breadth of London in my short mediawhore career...ah, those were the days ...(*drifts off and reminisces about shagging the lead singer from Marion - he was rubbish!) anyway, I think I know what makes a good buffet.
Sausage rolls, mini pizza, quiche, chicken satay, salad, prawns are extra nice, as are mini spring rolls.
And what did they have at this buffet?
It was like Britney's wedding reception : sausages (not mini ones, proper nasty breakfast ones) burgers (grey) veggie of the above 2 offending items, some beef and ale pie with very little beef and very little pastry, pathetic salad, tough chips, suspicious quiche and nothing else! Christ! The pudding was bad too, some sort of trifle and some naasty chocolate cake that tasted of really cheap chocolate. And what's more they charged the non work people 12 for this slop! Total rip-off!
Enough about that, I ended up dancing all night in a crazy and exhibitionistic manner and then rolled home at 2 to make a big bowl of pasta, which ended up half-eaten as I wasn't hungry enough to get past the tooth pain for long.
So today I felt tired and crotchety and had to keep popping pills all day, they really tightened the braces up good and hard yesterday, ouch.. And I had to buy a hat, got a nice brown slouchy/army one in topman, as I kept stealing one off this guy at the quiz last night as it suited me so, but he told me where he got it so I got the same one, cool...
And a work friend kept emailing me to say thanks for getting him to restrain himself when some girl ( a friend of mine) came onto him, he's a sweetie and I know he was very drunk, but he'd be mortified if he cheated on his girlfriend.
So now I'm off to a mate's for thai curry, yum, i am working tomorrow, boo, so have to try to get an early night...

Pork Pie! You gotta have pork pie on a buffett and you need to avoid those cheese puff things that look just like mini sausage rolls!! They blow.