Yet another week has gone by and this was a real amazing week, a much needed boost to my difficult week at home. Each day I look forward to meeting these new models, as a way to distract myself and also get away. In another time or place I would have been one of you hopefuls.
This week was full of models who I felt had excellent sets and there were many new hopefuls who I think have incredible potential to being Suicide Girls. It was tough to narrow it down to just these few, but these sets/models were the ones that stood out the most to me. As usual these are not ranked, but mentioned in chronological order.
Our first set comes from the lovely model, Verdgyvi in Blooming Ecstasy, shot by Max Mazurevich, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/verdgyvi/album/4574843/blooming-ecstasy/. I got a chance to have a brief exchange with Verdgyvi, who not only is pretty, but a very warm person. She mentioned this was done at a favorite local park. Blooming Ecstasy is one of the prettiest sets I have seen and maybe one of my all time favorites as well. This set is so well shot, but also I just love the theme, the lighting, the setting, everything about it from a technical and subject matter. I really can't say enough about this set. I cannot recommend it enough, please give it look, and another if you have already - give it all the love it deserves.
Verdgyvi is also a beautiful model with other sets that I recommend, but another just incredible favorite set is: Mirrors Are More Fun than Television, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/verdgyvi/album/4422471/mirrors-are-more-fun-than-television/. I look forward to more from Verdgyvi. She is a Suicide Girl in my book. @verdgyvi @Max Mazuevich
My next set comes from Mailinya in La Veuve Noire, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/mailinya/album/4575158/la-veuve-noire/, shot by Kervador. Mailinya has been a hopeful since 2017, has a bunch of great sets. This one stood out, because there is a clear story being told, and that made it fun. In a couple of her sets she does this, like her Selena's Day off set. I really enjoy it when a model tries to draw you into the concept of the set. Great work and variety. Looking forward, I am really curious what the next set will be.
See Mailinya in, Make a Witch, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/mailinya/album/4192923/make-a-witch/, for another great set. @mailinya @kervador
The next set comes from Sul in Prowl, shot by MadnessPhotography, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/sul/album/4577072/prowl/. This is Sul's third set as a hopeful and it is my favorite from her. I have to admit what first struck me by this set is that Sul looks like someone I know. This set has a nice deep and rich color to it and Sul's dark hair and pale skin make this a great choice for her. There is a sweet nature to this set to me, Sul looks so natural and comfortable in this set. I look forward to more from Sul. @sul @madnessphotography
Vitadeam in Elf, shot by Ruslan Plakhteev, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/vitadeam/album/4578775/elf/. Vitadeam has been a choice before. I liked this set because of the artistic and fantasy element. I have to admit I'm a bit of a sucker for this kind of work. The photography is clean, well lit, the location and props appropriate to the theme and blend in well to the set, allowing Vitadeam to be front and center. Just a real gorgeous set. Check out her other work, lots of variety here, I look forward to more from her. @vitadeam @ruslan Plakteev
Byhzibekitten in Yellow Candy, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/byhzibekitten/album/4579245/yellow-candy/, shot by Doce is a marvelously colorful set. The color just pops in this set and it really adds to the impact of the set. This was set that I kept coming back to while trying to narrow down my list for the week as one that just really stood out and had that punch to it that made it special. Byhzibekitten looks fantastic. Great posing and gorgeous hair. She has more sets of which I recommend checking out. @byhzibekitten @doce
Haiqween in Levitating, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/haiqween/album/4579267/levitating/, shot by Crisro was my next selection. This is Haiqween's first set and I have to admit I wasn't sure what it was that first grabbed me, but I found this set to be one I kept coming back to. I love sets that do this to me, it makes me look deeper at them. Haiqween and her natural presence is what really strike me in this set. She has a real natural ability in front of the camera, the poses, the smile, the way she carries herself in this set, I think is what I am sensing. I want to see more from her, just to see if I'm right. Great set technically too, and is my favorite from Crisro. @haiqween @crisro
Seasick in Waving Not Drowning, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/seasick/album/4579455/waving-not-drowning/, shot by Tripodski is a first from this hopeful. The first thing that stood out was there is a real look to Seasick in this set. A kind of attitude that screams Suicide Girl to me. The body language, the facial expression, and sultry eyes and lips. Seasick looks gorgeous in this set. Not only is the set a work of art, but Seasick's body is a work of art. I couldn't help but look at her amazing mural. I look forward to more from her. @seasick @tripodski
My last pick for the week is another first time hopeful, Valerie_Phoenix in The Spirit Carries On, shot by Paloma, https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/valerie_phoenix/album/4580714/the-spirit-carries-on/. I just found Valerie to so good in this set. The posing is perfect and the set is well shot. It's a pretty set with great lighting, color, and it works so well. Great work. @valerie_phoenix @paloma
It's been a great week, with a lot of great sets. I'm already working on next week's reviews and I can say in advance that it's another great week with lots to choose from. Thanks to all the models who have so graciously shared of themselves in such an intimate way. Thanks to the photographers for your work and efforts as well. Someday I hope to be in a creative position as you all are. Thanks and have a great week!
Carah M.
@missy @rambo