This is one of the creepiest and freaky things to have ever happened to me. I was out late one autumn night with one of my friends in a Japan, well outside the city. We had visited the coast and were in a very wide open village. It was very late and very dark, not a lot of lights anywhere, just moonlight. The skies were dark cloudy, obscuring much of the moonlight we were relying on to see. The rain was an incredibly heavy downpour. We had gotten lost driving and we had been going around in circles for a long time trying to find the main road. Finally in desperation we decided to head toward a small light we saw in the distance. Stopping at the end of the yard of the home the light belonged to, we just got a chill to our bones. Both of us commented on how odd we felt. There was a light on in the house, it was s small blue light in the back, but the front of the home was dark. Looking at each other we debated whether or not we should approach the home. It was a nice kept home and had a spacious open garden leading to the door, it looked inviting, but for some reason it we both just had an enormously strange and creepy feeling being there. Standing in the rain and getting utterly drenched, we decided that it was late and any feeling we had was just nerves and we besides we needed to get home. We walked up to the big sliding door. Arriving a the door, you usually say hello at the door, and wait for someone to answer. We didn't get the chance, just as we got up to the door it was sliding open and the inside of the room behind the door was pitch dark and we could not see who was opening it. The whole thing seemed like it was happening n slow motion, but still it was quick, a man emerged from out of the darkness with this door sliding open slowly. A towering, fifty'ish, tall, thin man stepped out and right up to us, invading our space. He had a cheshire cat kind of smile and piercing eyes. Before we could muster a chance to speak, he spoke. In plain English, he said, calling me by my full name (!), I've been expecting you. Laughing in a kind of crazy kind of laugh, he said that the red demon had told him we were coming. By this time we are absolutely freaking out and stunned at the same time. We stood there in disbelief, how did he know my name! We looked at each other wondering if we needed to run, but found we couldn't really move, except a step back. We all stood there in the rain for what seemed like forever, finally I mustered only the words that we wanted to talk. Then in Japanese he spoke, telling us that he was forbidden to talk to us and began rambling on said something about hell being opened up to us. At some point he stopped, told us he would find our way back we would be guided (!). A red light turned on from within the house, he backed in to the dark entryway and just stood in there and laughed, and slowly slid the door closed. Finally coming out of shock, we got out of there as fast as we could. We immediately found our way home.
Carah M.