I just recently joined the site and I've learned a little about how things work here. There are Suicide Girls and there are Hopefuls. I myself dream that maybe I might be a hopeful someday. For myself it is a matter of proving something for myself. Maybe I don't need to, but secretly I do. I won't go much into that here. However it's more than that it is also about art and creativity. I love the female body. I think it is so beautiful. I love art and photography that show that beauty in all it's forms, whether that be portraits or erotica. In that vein I want to create a series that will highlight some of the special bodies, art, and creativity I found in the work of Hopefuls and be a part of their journey. Maybe it's a bit of living vicariously.
I thought I would each week review the hopeful models and their sets that I really enjoyed. This will be the beginning of this series. I want to personally say thank you to all of the models who contribute their work, you all deserve special mention, so I hope this does not make anyone feel left out. I admire everyone's strength and courage to share of themselves as they do here. This is more an attempt on my part to share with others the sets that I found something unique, lovely, or hot. I hope you enjoy!
With Love,
Carah Maisie
@missy @rambo