I K E A !!!
That is my new battle cry.
I am going to assemble the last piece of furniture I bought from those Norwegians.
The past few days have been quite different than most days I spend at work. I got voluntold to escort a general around for 3 days. Her name is Fran. But I get to call her ma'am of course, her being a general and me being a lieutenant and all. The corporal and I drive her around base to meet the other generals and out to San Diego (Miramar and the recruit depot) to meet those generals. I have seen more generals in the past few days than I am likely to see the rest of my career. But she is super nice and asks lots of questions. I am going to be sad when she goes. BUT I do have one thing to look forward to when I go back to work Monday to my same old job. My gunny's back! For all of you in the dark, a gunny is a gunnery sergeant. They are tough as nails, keep the Marines in line, and are experts in their field. Basically, they make shit happen. Ours has been on leave for 3 weeks, and I think I sense some slackness in some of the Marine's work. When gunny gets back... BOOM! SMACK! And bodies will fly. I can't wait...hahahah!
That is my new battle cry.
I am going to assemble the last piece of furniture I bought from those Norwegians.
The past few days have been quite different than most days I spend at work. I got voluntold to escort a general around for 3 days. Her name is Fran. But I get to call her ma'am of course, her being a general and me being a lieutenant and all. The corporal and I drive her around base to meet the other generals and out to San Diego (Miramar and the recruit depot) to meet those generals. I have seen more generals in the past few days than I am likely to see the rest of my career. But she is super nice and asks lots of questions. I am going to be sad when she goes. BUT I do have one thing to look forward to when I go back to work Monday to my same old job. My gunny's back! For all of you in the dark, a gunny is a gunnery sergeant. They are tough as nails, keep the Marines in line, and are experts in their field. Basically, they make shit happen. Ours has been on leave for 3 weeks, and I think I sense some slackness in some of the Marine's work. When gunny gets back... BOOM! SMACK! And bodies will fly. I can't wait...hahahah!
Photographer friend of mine did a photo essay for the Oceanside paper on basic training at Pendleton. His eyes would get irritated from his camera for weeks after that one after shooting the gas training.