OK I got what I wanted. Lots of journal posts. YAY!
Amy and I are coming to getcha. We have sufficiently IKEA'd our appartment thanks to Daze. He has helped both Yosi and myself move now. How nice of him. 3 day weekend! No work Monday! Probably will use the day to finish assembling my IKEA furniture and clean my room. Maybe I'll go harass cute girls in coffee shops. Who knows?
Rennie Sparks thought for the day:
Here in the bipolar ward if you shower you get a gold star, but I'm not going far till the Haldol kicks in - until then, until then - I'm strapped to this fucking twin bed and I won't get any cookies or tea till I stop quoting Nietzsche and brush my teeth and comb my hair.
Amy and I are coming to getcha. We have sufficiently IKEA'd our appartment thanks to Daze. He has helped both Yosi and myself move now. How nice of him. 3 day weekend! No work Monday! Probably will use the day to finish assembling my IKEA furniture and clean my room. Maybe I'll go harass cute girls in coffee shops. Who knows?
Rennie Sparks thought for the day:
Here in the bipolar ward if you shower you get a gold star, but I'm not going far till the Haldol kicks in - until then, until then - I'm strapped to this fucking twin bed and I won't get any cookies or tea till I stop quoting Nietzsche and brush my teeth and comb my hair.
or brush your teeth, comb your hair, and come fully spiffed to the sg party. i'll see you there.
ps. if you wanna make last minute car pool arrangements, give a call or email me.