@fredhincanada has really lit a fire under this SG bitch.
A video game that you have spent the most hours playing.
The Legend of Zelda.
As a kid growing up in the 90's, video games were just coming into their prime, and were something extremely coveted by me. We were a pretty poor family, with my mum raising me and my sister on her own, so she definitely couldn't afford to buy us a console, it was a luxury out of our grasp. I had to get my fix when I went to my mates houses, briefly getting to play things like Alex the Kid, Shinobi, and Sonic. When I was a teenager I got my first job, stacking shelves at a local supermarket, and I saved up my money and bought myself my first console, an N64. I loved it so damn much and spent countless hours playing all the classics that it had to offer, Mario 64, Mario Kart, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, the list goes on. But I found my teenage solace in Ocarina of Time. The quest and puzzle solving elements of this game just hit right in my zone, and I'm the kind of gamer that has to find and complete every last thing, so it had hours upon hours to keep me going. I must've played it through 3-4 times in my teenage years, and even now I try to go back and do a play through every few years. In my opinion it's a perfect game.
Such was my love for OoT, that I only played snippets of Zelda games after that, because nothing could live up to it for me. Until the Switch was released and Breath of the Wild with it. It was such an expansive game, I was blown away by the scale and the enormous amount of quests involved, it was right up my alley.
Thinking that game could not be topped, and hearing that Tears of the Kingdom was kind of similar, and used the same map, I wasn't too sure about it, but I bought it anyway. And I was very impressed. Sure it uses the same map, but expanded to include two new ones for the sky and the depths. A totally new temple set-up, new powers and a new level of creative possibilities with the ultra-hand system. I've been playing for 200 hours plus and still haven't finished it, such an amazing game.