I wasn't tagged by anyone but I've seen this getting around so I'll have a go.
1. Favourite band/artist?
Oh man, it's impossible to pick just one. There are a few mainstays that I'll always revert back to- Tool, System of a Down, Deftones, Slipknot, and my most recent favourite, Jinjer.
2. Favourite song All time or Recent?
I find it incomprehensible when people can just pick one and say, yep that's my favourite song of all time. This is constantly changing for me, so let's go with a couple that I've had on high rotation lately:
Deftones- You've Seen The Butcher
Jinjer- Vortex
Arctic Monkeys- 505
Korn- Good God
3. Favourite album?
I'm starting to sound like a broken record here (pun fully intended 🤣), but I'm gonna have to list more than one again:
Tool- Aenima
Deftones- White Pony
Slipknot- Vol. 3
Arctic Monkeys- AM
Dr Dre- Chronic 2001
4. First concert?
My first gig was local Aussie hip hop. Two acts from my city of Adelaide, Delta and After Hours, and a Melbourne group called Lyrical Commission. I don't expect anyone on SG to have heard of any of them, but if you're a hip hop fan, Google them.
5. Last concert you went to?
I saw Regurgitator last weekend. They are an Aussie band that was pretty big in the 90's. I've seen them a few times now and they are always great live, good energy.
6. Favourite concert?
This is also hard. I have so many good memories from many a Soundwave festival back in the day. But it would have to be between seeing Tool in Sydney in 2020, or Deftones in Adelaide earlier this year, and then seeing them again two days later at Good Things festival in Melbourne.
7. Who do you wish you could see live?
Soundgarden/Audioslave/Chris Cornell, Alice in Chains with Layne Staley still out front, Nirvana, Amy Winehouse, Nina Simone, Led Zeppelin and I'm hoping that Arctic Monkeys and The Pretty Reckless tour Aus sometime soon.
8. What music did you grow up with?
My mum listened to a lot of 70's and 80's pop and rock, Racey, Bay City Rollers, Roxette, Rolling Stones are a few that come to mind. And when I was old enough to start seeking out my own music it was Oasis, The Presidents of the USA, Nirvana, Eminem, Cypress Hill and Korn to name a few.
9. How do you find new music?
Generally Spotify playlists, daily mixes etc, and recommendations from mates. Occasionally from the radio. We have a station here called Double J that has some great shows on a Friday that I'll sometimes pick up a new song or band from.
10. How do you listen to music?
Spotify in the car or on headphones/earbuds at work. YouTube or vinyl at home.
11. Any new albums you're looking forward to?
I really thought SOAD were making a new album after they released a couple of singles a few years ago, so I'm still waiting with bated breath for that to happen.
12. Favourite movie soundtrack?
Not really one to get into soundtracks, but The Matrix soundtrack was great, and Almost Famous.
13. Last one for fun do you like to sing when you listen to music?
Oh hell yes, I think that's what makes music so good. Do you really enjoy it as much if you don't sing along badly? 😁
@zebrah thanks 😁
@zebrah I kind of feel like a generic metalhead picking those bands instead of something cool and obscure no-ones heard of, but those type of bands are the reason we love heavy music in the first place 🤘🤘