I wish to congratulate the gorgeous @pugsie for turning PINK tonight !! our set Better than Bieber got selected as SOTD. So please all jump over to her profile and congratulate her on such a wonderful achievement. She's as happy as her turtle pose!
I wish to congratulate the gorgeous @pugsie for turning PINK tonight !! our set Better than Bieber got selected as SOTD. So please all jump over to her profile and congratulate her on such a wonderful achievement. She's as happy as her turtle pose!
Here are a few images across a number of shoots that I've been up to lately
The Cute as a Button @cherrybuttonz while she visited Brisbane
Two more days until "Better than Bieber" with the amazing and bubbly @pugsie
I'm coming to Fremantle, WA in October with an amazing shoot location booked so all those in WA looking to shoot get in contact and Enquire/Book your shoot today !
Only one more day until you get to see the beautiful rose @lillymaee
Get ready for in 1 week 6 days my first sets from Melbourne go live and they just so happen to be Redonkulous - These shots didn't even make the cut so there's saying something.
So be sure to go follow @electra and @sunflower and don't miss out
The Sydney Shootfest is close approaching and if you have yet to decide or just slack to organize it! I have spots available to shoot
If you need more information be sure to fill out this form Shootfest form and @coolicio will send you all the details you will need
Thank you to everyone thats gone and checked out @twitchling and my Current Set AVA
We certainly love all the feedback and praise it has recieved so please keep it coming @twitchling deserves every bit