more death... very close friend's dad died last night. dude, what the fuck... i post about death at least once a month. This has been the single weirdest year in my memory. 2004 needs to hurry up and get fuckin over here.
More Blogs
Sunday Sep 14, 2003
sooo much going on in my little world. utter craziness, started my ow… -
Sunday Sep 14, 2003
i dedicate my new picture to Dave H. thank you for showing me the l… -
Thursday Sep 04, 2003
just saw black rebel motorcycle club. fucking awesome... what a good … -
Saturday Aug 30, 2003
so i think its over... im just not ready to be in a relationship, i h… -
Saturday Aug 16, 2003
just when you thought your life was boring... along i come. nothing n… -
Saturday Aug 02, 2003
my best friend just had a baby about an hour ago. i now have a godson… -
Monday Jul 28, 2003
so ive been back from my trip for about a week or so now and shit aro… -
Thursday Jul 10, 2003
so im in panama right now, and its absolutely gorgeous. its great how… -
Monday Jun 30, 2003
alright robbie, you FUCKIN PUSSY, here's my journal update. Two shows… -
Saturday Jun 14, 2003
ok, so my old boss told me i couldn't have my job back until the end …