Just one more exam left, thank the gods. English. Haven't studied yet. Should probably start studying soon, but Milla is so gorgeous, and I can't look away. *drools profusely*
Anyway, Im updating my journal...incase you havent noticed.
-Im still poor. However, Ive started a new business here at mi escuela. Its good pay. Im pretty sure its not a good idea, but Im doing it anyway; Im writing papers for people who seek a guaranteed A. Ive done about five so far, and I have two in the works. I charge $10 a page. Word is getting around, and so far everyone has gotten As on their (my) papers. I cant decide if Im proud of this, or if Im just exploiting my amazing smartnessoh well, until I decide I have a somewhat steady income. Im debating whether or not Im going to tell my therapist, as Im not sure if this is stable behavior you know, risking getting expelled from school so I have pocket change. This is not a moral issue for me. Trust me; my morals arent exactly the standard. My theory- its not cheating until you get caught.
-Milla is so pretty.
-Did I ever tell you guys that I had a blast at the Green Day show on April 20th? I dont think I did. It was amazing, mainly because Billie Joe has enchanted me since I was around eight years old, and I finally got to see him live. Fantastic show. Screw the haters.
-Went to a Black Label Society show not too long ago. By far the most beer-soaked Ive been in quite some time. Worst mosh pit injury Ive sustained as of yet; some idiot pushed me like six feet to my right and then a bunch of people started stomping all over my poor leg. It fucking hurt. For like two weeks. And I loved it. I love moshing.
-My family also threw a surprise party for me, or tried to. Since Im smart like a fox, I figured it out almost a week before. I really hate surprise parties. Ever since I was a small child its been a phobia of mine. Anyway, I finally got my mom to cave in, and after lots of tears because she really wanted to surprise me, she told me when and where. I felt bad that I made my mommy cry, sort of. So then I asked if there would be cake. She said yeah. I asked what kind. Chocolate with white frosting. Umno, I say. Its double chocolate or nothing. More mommy tears. Oh and ice cream, too, I said. At this point Im really feeling like a jerk, but like I said, I hate surprise parties. And if there was going to be a surprise party for me, I would have to plan it. I think I might be a control freak. My momma thinks that too because she called me a bitter fucking control freak.
It went off without a hitch. My mom is the only one who knew I planned the whole damn thing. I had this urge to crush their smiles by saying, I knew it already, and I planned the whole damn thing! I didnt though. I think I might be kinda mean?
Other than the fact that I hate surprise parties and people planning things behind my back, I had a good time.
Well, I must be off. My study group will be here in about an hour and I have papers to write.
Anyway, Im updating my journal...incase you havent noticed.
-Im still poor. However, Ive started a new business here at mi escuela. Its good pay. Im pretty sure its not a good idea, but Im doing it anyway; Im writing papers for people who seek a guaranteed A. Ive done about five so far, and I have two in the works. I charge $10 a page. Word is getting around, and so far everyone has gotten As on their (my) papers. I cant decide if Im proud of this, or if Im just exploiting my amazing smartnessoh well, until I decide I have a somewhat steady income. Im debating whether or not Im going to tell my therapist, as Im not sure if this is stable behavior you know, risking getting expelled from school so I have pocket change. This is not a moral issue for me. Trust me; my morals arent exactly the standard. My theory- its not cheating until you get caught.
-Milla is so pretty.
-Did I ever tell you guys that I had a blast at the Green Day show on April 20th? I dont think I did. It was amazing, mainly because Billie Joe has enchanted me since I was around eight years old, and I finally got to see him live. Fantastic show. Screw the haters.
-Went to a Black Label Society show not too long ago. By far the most beer-soaked Ive been in quite some time. Worst mosh pit injury Ive sustained as of yet; some idiot pushed me like six feet to my right and then a bunch of people started stomping all over my poor leg. It fucking hurt. For like two weeks. And I loved it. I love moshing.
-My family also threw a surprise party for me, or tried to. Since Im smart like a fox, I figured it out almost a week before. I really hate surprise parties. Ever since I was a small child its been a phobia of mine. Anyway, I finally got my mom to cave in, and after lots of tears because she really wanted to surprise me, she told me when and where. I felt bad that I made my mommy cry, sort of. So then I asked if there would be cake. She said yeah. I asked what kind. Chocolate with white frosting. Umno, I say. Its double chocolate or nothing. More mommy tears. Oh and ice cream, too, I said. At this point Im really feeling like a jerk, but like I said, I hate surprise parties. And if there was going to be a surprise party for me, I would have to plan it. I think I might be a control freak. My momma thinks that too because she called me a bitter fucking control freak.
It went off without a hitch. My mom is the only one who knew I planned the whole damn thing. I had this urge to crush their smiles by saying, I knew it already, and I planned the whole damn thing! I didnt though. I think I might be kinda mean?
Other than the fact that I hate surprise parties and people planning things behind my back, I had a good time.
Well, I must be off. My study group will be here in about an hour and I have papers to write.

i like your pics (sretty people to....)