I guess its time for an update. Im still living with my Godmother (although right now Im at my moms house). I hate it. I really, really hate it. Its miserable, but I cant stay here at my moms because it brings me down, what with the dumb-fuck step dad and stuff.
Schools going great though. The Zack guy I mentioned earlier is still in the picture (i.e. we still talk) but he got back together with his girlfriend. Bummer, right? Nowell yeah it is kinda, but I met a guy named John who looks like Dominic Monaghan with glasses and wants to be a filmmaker like myself, so its all gravy.
Lets see what else is new.oh yeah! My cat disappeared for a whole week, we thought we werent going to see her ever again and then Monday she showed up clawing at the screen door!
Today at school, the band Thornbird showed up to play a live 2 hour show! A bit random if you ask me, considering my school is so small and in the middle of nowhere, but Ill take it. They rocked!! Really nice, talented guys! I thoroughly enjoyed their visit. Gotta love those random surprises in life.
Tomorrow morning I leave for Jacksonville, Florida along with my best friend Morgan and her boyfriend Michael, so wish me and my remaining sanity luck, as well need it dealing with those two and their barf-worthy public displays of affection.
Like always, I apologize for the lack of my presence on the site.
Schools going great though. The Zack guy I mentioned earlier is still in the picture (i.e. we still talk) but he got back together with his girlfriend. Bummer, right? Nowell yeah it is kinda, but I met a guy named John who looks like Dominic Monaghan with glasses and wants to be a filmmaker like myself, so its all gravy.
Lets see what else is new.oh yeah! My cat disappeared for a whole week, we thought we werent going to see her ever again and then Monday she showed up clawing at the screen door!
Today at school, the band Thornbird showed up to play a live 2 hour show! A bit random if you ask me, considering my school is so small and in the middle of nowhere, but Ill take it. They rocked!! Really nice, talented guys! I thoroughly enjoyed their visit. Gotta love those random surprises in life.
Tomorrow morning I leave for Jacksonville, Florida along with my best friend Morgan and her boyfriend Michael, so wish me and my remaining sanity luck, as well need it dealing with those two and their barf-worthy public displays of affection.
Like always, I apologize for the lack of my presence on the site.
It's all gravy gotta make that my southern saying of the day soon. good luck with the Dom look alike
cats are weird like that....they seem to sometimes just want a vacation or something...but in the process they end up driving you crazy