Hi guys! I apologize for not being on here as often as I used to be. The place I've been staying at doesn't have the internet, which REALLY sucks. I can only update or reply to your lovely comments when I'm here at my moms, which is rare. I miss this community so much.
Anyway, I'm still doing good. Finally asked the guy I've been crushing on what his name is, which would be Zack, incase you care.
I haven't had a crush on a non-celebrity in quite a while. This is the kind of crush where you have to make sure you don't drool all over yourself when you're talking to the really hot person in front of you. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.
Just bought a ticket to see Green Day when they're here on April 20th, pretty stoked about that.
That's about all the news I got for ya, I'm going to go spend some time with my dog before I have to leave.

Anyway, I'm still doing good. Finally asked the guy I've been crushing on what his name is, which would be Zack, incase you care.
I haven't had a crush on a non-celebrity in quite a while. This is the kind of crush where you have to make sure you don't drool all over yourself when you're talking to the really hot person in front of you. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

Just bought a ticket to see Green Day when they're here on April 20th, pretty stoked about that.
That's about all the news I got for ya, I'm going to go spend some time with my dog before I have to leave.

haha, I admit that made me jump too! 

THanks so much for the birthday wishes.