Sorry for the lack of updates, I dont have much access to the computer where Im staying.
Not much to update about, really.
School is going alright. I made two new friendsaww aint that sweet? Ive been hanging out with my best friends buddies, as I have so few of my own. Let me tell ya, I stick out like a sore thumb in that crowd, or maybe I just feel like I do. Theyre really nice and a few are hilarious, but we just really have nothing in common. Trust me; I feel so out of place sitting in a room full of such preppy people.
In other news, the other day at school, this really cute guy started talking to me. Not the type I typically go for, but I was excited none the less. We talked for a good ten minutes before I had class. The next day, we talked for about 15 minutes, and afterwards I walked to class all happy-like. Then I realized I dont know his name, I dont even remember if he told me his name.
Anyway, Im at home right now. Im staying here for the weekend since my step dad isnt around. I cant begin to tell how ecstatic I am to see my dog. Ive missed him terribly. Weve been rough housing, and I have a bunch of fresh wounds to take back with me. Those should hold me over until the next time I can see him. Hes so awesome.
Well Im tired, (apparently because Ive been running through Foolycoolys mind all day or something) so Im going to get some sleep before I spend all day shopping tomorrow.
Many hugs and kisses to you all!
Not much to update about, really.
School is going alright. I made two new friendsaww aint that sweet? Ive been hanging out with my best friends buddies, as I have so few of my own. Let me tell ya, I stick out like a sore thumb in that crowd, or maybe I just feel like I do. Theyre really nice and a few are hilarious, but we just really have nothing in common. Trust me; I feel so out of place sitting in a room full of such preppy people.
In other news, the other day at school, this really cute guy started talking to me. Not the type I typically go for, but I was excited none the less. We talked for a good ten minutes before I had class. The next day, we talked for about 15 minutes, and afterwards I walked to class all happy-like. Then I realized I dont know his name, I dont even remember if he told me his name.

Anyway, Im at home right now. Im staying here for the weekend since my step dad isnt around. I cant begin to tell how ecstatic I am to see my dog. Ive missed him terribly. Weve been rough housing, and I have a bunch of fresh wounds to take back with me. Those should hold me over until the next time I can see him. Hes so awesome.
Well Im tired, (apparently because Ive been running through Foolycoolys mind all day or something) so Im going to get some sleep before I spend all day shopping tomorrow.
Many hugs and kisses to you all!

Nothing quite like a cutie to perk your day right up. Got to love it. Now to do it again.
YOU HAVE BEEN SEXED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends who you think don't get much lovin' (or maybe they do!) and, SEX THEM! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can sex the person who sexed you, of course. 2- You can sex the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should sex in public! Be adventurous, damnit. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender sexing, it's HOT. 7- You should most definately get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!) Please dont take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!