Sorry for the delay of my journal update. I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday. I had a difficult time of it considering everything with the tsunami disaster. I really feel for those people. I dont have any money to donate right now, as my bank account is literally empty, but my student Pell grant check will arrive later this month. And seeing as Im a member of the student government at my college, Ill be organizing a donation effort as soon as the next semester starts back.
I encourage everyone to give what they can, Im sure every cent counts. I think charities are important. My grandmaw always said, No matter how poor we are, someone else is poorer. So I give here and there when I can to various causes.
Am I the only one who turns into a total grouch as the New Years festivities begin? I loathe the occasion. Ever since I can remember, Ive despised it, to the point of locking myself in a room to stew in my cynicism. The thought of celebrating it makes me cringe. Its really strange and I cant explain it.
On a semi-related note: When I was younger, I thought the ball in Times Square was supposed to explode or something. I was completely perplexed when we were watching it on TV, and it just slid down the pole slowly to the bottom and stopped. The little redneck in me asked, Hey! How come it aint blowin up??? When I was told that it aint posed to, I asked Well then how come they all cheerin?
Becauseyou knowrednecks explode things when celebrating stuff, I reckon I just expected it.
I actually had a decent Christmas. I got all kinds of Lord of the Rings related treats, including the Return of the King extended edition gift set, complete with a Minas Tirith polystone keepsake box. Sweet. Ive spent hours watching all the commentaries and extras, and I still have a lot to see. There was a heartbreaking yet inspiring tribute to the late Cameron Duncan, who was truly an incredible soul.
I also got a LOTR wall calendar, a LOTR student planner, two LOTR reference books, and a Legolas pillow. This makes me a happy Hobbit. Now all I need is some Old Toby leaf and Ill be set.
Ive also been spending a lot of time in Paint Shop Pro, making various sorts of graphics. I spend hours making desktop wallpapers, and Im getting quite good if I say so myself. My current favorite is this one of Dominic Monaghan, aka- my future Hobbit husband:
Here are some other thumbnails of wallpapers Ive made:
David Beckham
Elisha Cuthbert (one of the first ones I ever made)
from "Down With Love"
Queen Olympias from "Alexander"
random web graphic
If you want me to make you a desktop or any other sort of web graphic, just let me know. I love, love, love making things via PSP, its a stress reliever of sorts.
Sorry if I'm a bit slow with the comment replying thing, I'm not rude, just preoccupied at the moment.
Well, Im off to bed. Much love.
"Oh you can search far and wide,
you can drink the whole town dry,
but you'll never find a beer so brown,
as the one we drink in our home town!
You can keep your fancy ales,
you can drink them by the flagon,
but the only brew for the brave and true,
comes from the Green Dragon!
I encourage everyone to give what they can, Im sure every cent counts. I think charities are important. My grandmaw always said, No matter how poor we are, someone else is poorer. So I give here and there when I can to various causes.
Am I the only one who turns into a total grouch as the New Years festivities begin? I loathe the occasion. Ever since I can remember, Ive despised it, to the point of locking myself in a room to stew in my cynicism. The thought of celebrating it makes me cringe. Its really strange and I cant explain it.
On a semi-related note: When I was younger, I thought the ball in Times Square was supposed to explode or something. I was completely perplexed when we were watching it on TV, and it just slid down the pole slowly to the bottom and stopped. The little redneck in me asked, Hey! How come it aint blowin up??? When I was told that it aint posed to, I asked Well then how come they all cheerin?
Becauseyou knowrednecks explode things when celebrating stuff, I reckon I just expected it.

I actually had a decent Christmas. I got all kinds of Lord of the Rings related treats, including the Return of the King extended edition gift set, complete with a Minas Tirith polystone keepsake box. Sweet. Ive spent hours watching all the commentaries and extras, and I still have a lot to see. There was a heartbreaking yet inspiring tribute to the late Cameron Duncan, who was truly an incredible soul.
I also got a LOTR wall calendar, a LOTR student planner, two LOTR reference books, and a Legolas pillow. This makes me a happy Hobbit. Now all I need is some Old Toby leaf and Ill be set.
Ive also been spending a lot of time in Paint Shop Pro, making various sorts of graphics. I spend hours making desktop wallpapers, and Im getting quite good if I say so myself. My current favorite is this one of Dominic Monaghan, aka- my future Hobbit husband:

Here are some other thumbnails of wallpapers Ive made:
David Beckham

Elisha Cuthbert (one of the first ones I ever made)

from "Down With Love"

Queen Olympias from "Alexander"

random web graphic

If you want me to make you a desktop or any other sort of web graphic, just let me know. I love, love, love making things via PSP, its a stress reliever of sorts.
Sorry if I'm a bit slow with the comment replying thing, I'm not rude, just preoccupied at the moment.
Well, Im off to bed. Much love.
"Oh you can search far and wide,
you can drink the whole town dry,
but you'll never find a beer so brown,
as the one we drink in our home town!
You can keep your fancy ales,
you can drink them by the flagon,
but the only brew for the brave and true,
comes from the Green Dragon!

and I'm very much the same about new year. I really could care less.