Thank y'all for your awesome comments of well-wishing during my time of drama. Seriously, it means a bunch.
To update you all, I am now back home, and things have calmed down a bit. By calm I mean the evil fuckfacedfucker, aka the step father, isn't currently inebriated and threatening to murder the entire family. I shall refer to him as "it" from here on out because "it" isn't a real person. "It" is an entity of pure evil. So, "it" is doing the whole "I'm sorry it'll never happen again" thing, which "it" does after every big blow-out fit "it" has. This only means that the cycle re-starts and we have approx. 3 weeks before "it" goes off again.
I'm so used to this routine, that I actually don't remember a time when things weren't like this. Yeah I have issues, and that's putting it mildly. Somehow, I'm still in a good mood. I don't get it, but it's keeping me sane for now.
Is it possible to have pessimistic optimism? What I mean is, I know things aren't going to get any better anytime soon, but at the same time I know that my future is still rather bright and shiny. I think I think too much...
Anyway, here are some Thank Yous I need to share regarding people and/or things that make me happy when I'm sad:
Thank you, Tim Burton for making movies that make my weird little heart smile.
Thank you, Flannery O'Conner for being so relatable.
Thank you, Paint Shop Pro for giving me a whole new way to be a nerd.
Thank you, people on my friends list who leave nice comments.
Thank you, my best friend Morgan for being, what should be, the very standard of all best friends.

Twitch + Bug = best buddies for life
---------------EXCITING UPDATE ! ! !------------------
That's right. Excitement, excitement! (Well, for a few of us, at least.) My group idea was approved! So if you watch the show "Lost," please go join!
To update you all, I am now back home, and things have calmed down a bit. By calm I mean the evil fuckfacedfucker, aka the step father, isn't currently inebriated and threatening to murder the entire family. I shall refer to him as "it" from here on out because "it" isn't a real person. "It" is an entity of pure evil. So, "it" is doing the whole "I'm sorry it'll never happen again" thing, which "it" does after every big blow-out fit "it" has. This only means that the cycle re-starts and we have approx. 3 weeks before "it" goes off again.
I'm so used to this routine, that I actually don't remember a time when things weren't like this. Yeah I have issues, and that's putting it mildly. Somehow, I'm still in a good mood. I don't get it, but it's keeping me sane for now.
Is it possible to have pessimistic optimism? What I mean is, I know things aren't going to get any better anytime soon, but at the same time I know that my future is still rather bright and shiny. I think I think too much...
Anyway, here are some Thank Yous I need to share regarding people and/or things that make me happy when I'm sad:
Thank you, Tim Burton for making movies that make my weird little heart smile.
Thank you, Flannery O'Conner for being so relatable.
Thank you, Paint Shop Pro for giving me a whole new way to be a nerd.
Thank you, people on my friends list who leave nice comments.

Thank you, my best friend Morgan for being, what should be, the very standard of all best friends.

Twitch + Bug = best buddies for life
---------------EXCITING UPDATE ! ! !------------------
That's right. Excitement, excitement! (Well, for a few of us, at least.) My group idea was approved! So if you watch the show "Lost," please go join!
yes. entirely possible. I have the same outlook. glad to hear things have calmed down. your future is bright and shiny and there is no such thing as thinking too much in my book.
Hope your thanksgiving is pleasant and enjoyable. be good.